File | Category | Version | Size | Date | Dls | Readme |
---| | gam | 1.09 | 2Mb | 10 Nov 08 | 556 | ¤ Aros-quake - Quake 1 *with sound* | | gam | 2 | 625kb | 30 Mar 15 | 234 | ¤ Bomberman Lan - Bomberman Lan | | gam | 0.1 | 10Mb | 05 Mar 15 | 191 | ¤ Bombic - Bomberman clone.. | | gam | | 835kb | 05 Mar 15 | 215 | ¤ Dessert-stroke - 3d dessert-strike clone |
don_ceferino.i386-aros.lha | gam | 1 | 3Mb | 06 Oct 16 | 135 | ¤ Don Ceferino Hazaña - clone of Pang | | gam | 0.01 | 4Mb | 19 May 08 | 529 | ¤ Frontier-aros-i386 - Frontier Elite II |
frontier-eliteii-gl.i386-aros.lha | gam | 3.2 | 7Mb | 30 Aug 16 | 283 | ¤ Frontier Elite II - Frontier Elite II - GL Version | | gam | 1.1 | 3Mb | 05 May 24 | 70 | ¤ GI Omino Stage - Classic run and jump game |
netpong.i386-aros.lha | gam | | 510kb | 07 Mar 11 | 174 | ¤ Netpong - NetPong a good old sdl based game.. |
whack-a-trump_arosx86.lha | gam | 1.2 | 5Mb | 17 Oct 19 | 97 | ¤ Whack-a-Trump - Whack-a-mole type game | | gam/act | 0.7.1 | 6Mb | 08 Sep 09 | 436 | ¤ Abuse - 2D side-scrolling platform game | | gam/act | 0.7.1 | 815kb | 08 Sep 09 | 199 | ¤ Abuse - Source code for AROS port of game Abuse |
amigang-1941-extreme-huno-tito.lha | gam/act | 1.0b | 31Mb | 21 Sep 10 | 296 | ¤ Amigang-1941-extreme-huno-tito - 1941 Extreme deluxe by HunoPPC - Aros port by tito | | gam/act | 0.8.10 | 1Mb | 28 Feb 16 | 133 | ¤ Amphetamine - 2D-Jump'n run shooter. | | gam/act | 0.2.6 | 651kb | 10 Sep 15 | 138 | ¤ Apricots - 2d side-view airplane dogfights. | | gam/act | 1.3.2 | 58Mb | 13 Dec 16 | 140 | ¤ AstroMenace - OpenGl scrolling space shooter. |
atomicbomberman_aros.lha | gam/act | 2.8 | 2Mb | 24 Jul 20 | 112 | ¤ Atomic Bomberman - Atomic Bomberman Fan Rewrite | | gam/act | final | 391Mb | 27 Apr 20 | 73 | ¤ AT-Bomberman-Data - From Internet Archive Preservation |
attack.lha | gam/act | 1.0 | 2Mb | 24 Mar 07 | 342 | ¤ Attack - SpaceInvaders clone done with Hollywood | | gam/act | 0.0.2 | 731kb | 16 May 11 | 156 | ¤ Barrage - Barrage - shoot as many targets as possible. | | gam/act | Beta3 | 9Mb | 17 Nov 08 | 170 | ¤ Battle-pong - battle-pong | | gam/act | 1 | 1Mb | 08 Oct 16 | 112 | ¤ Black Shades 3D - shoot em up | | gam/act | 1.0.2 | 8Mb | 09 Dec 13 | 231 | ¤ Bloboats - Side-view boat game. Land, waves, sea monsters. | | gam/act | 1.61 | 991kb | 07 Mar 23 | 38 | ¤ BOFH - Defuse bombs in this top-down shooter. |
boh.i386-aros.lha | gam/act | Final | 28Mb | 10 Feb 24 | 40 | ¤ BOH-i386-aros - game released upon humanitarian donation | | gam/act | 0.0.6 | 936kb | 22 Apr 06 | 254 | ¤ Bugsquish - Bugsquish (binary + source) | | gam/act | 1.5.3 | 1Mb | 20 Nov 21 | 35 | ¤ BumpRace - Avoid obstacles in top-down space racing game. | | gam/act | 1.0 | 398kb | 12 Jun 24 | 49 | ¤ Catch It - Run away and don't get caught | | gam/act | 0.03 | 677kb | 19 Sep 08 | 159 | ¤ Cdogs-sdl-0.03 - cdogs-sdl-0.03 |
chromium.i386-aros.rar | gam/act | 0.8 | 3Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 90 | ¤ Chromium B.S.U - Chromium port | | gam/act | 1.0.3 | 1Mb | 22 Apr 06 | 247 | ¤ Circuslinux - Circuslinux (binary + source) |
criticalmass.i386-aros.rar | gam/act | | 4Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 76 | ¤ Critical Mass - Critical Mass port | | gam/act | 0.5 | 559kb | 20 Nov 13 | 254 | ¤ dangen - Abstract top-down shooter. | | gam/act | 0.2.2 | 615kb | 01 Feb 21 | 47 | ¤ Dodgin' Diamond II - topdown vertical scroller | | gam/act | 0.0.11 | 2Mb | 22 Apr 06 | 272 | ¤ Defendguin - Defendguin (binary + source) |
doubledragon_gold.tar.gz | gam/act | final | 186Mb | 04 Dec 19 | 59 | ¤ Double-Dragon-Gold - openbor games | | gam/act | 0.1.5 | 4Mb | 23 Feb 15 | 108 | ¤ Excido - Ship shoots attack drones on OpenGL city streets. | | gam/act | 1.8 | 6Mb | 05 Oct 23 | 145 | ¤ FadeToBlack - Fade to Black is an action-adventure game. |
finalfightse.i386-aros.lha | gam/act | 2018 | 35Mb | 08 Aug 18 | 152 | ¤ Final Fight SE - openbor game final fight remake 2018 | | gam/act | 1.0.1 | 9Mb | 08 Sep 17 | 98 | ¤ Formido - Topdown bug shooter. |
freedroid-1.0.2.i386-aros.lha | gam/act | 1.0.2 | 5Mb | 27 Nov 09 | 220 | ¤ Freedroid-1.0.2 - A clone of that C64 classic, Paradroid. | | gam/act | 0.5 | 2Mb | 26 Mar 21 | 59 | ¤ Glaxium - OpenGL shoot-em-up on a pathway in space. |
goldenaxeremake.tgz | gam/act | 2018 | 25Mb | 10 Aug 19 | 103 | ¤ GoldenAxeRemake - OpenBor Games |
gravityforce.i386-aros.lha | gam/act | 1.0 | 982kb | 24 Jul 16 | 162 | ¤ Gravity Force - Remake of Amiga classic Gravity Force - i386 AROS | | gam/act | 1.2.4 | 874kb | 25 Nov 08 | 233 | ¤ Highmoon_1.2.4 - The First Worms Clone, and it's in Space |
hokuto-no-ken-fury-road.rar | gam/act | final | 186Mb | 04 Dec 19 | 49 | ¤ HokutoNoKenFuryRooad - openbor games | | gam/act | 0.1 | 2Mb | 19 Jan 15 | 108 | ¤ Heroes of Roswell - Off-beat vertical scroller. | | gam/act | | 39Mb | 03 Jun 12 | 414 | ¤ Hurrican-data - Game data files for Hurrican |
hurrican-src-svn281.tar.bz2 | gam/act | svn281 | 38Mb | 02 Jan 17 | 137 | ¤ Hurrican-src - Source Code for Game 'Hurrican' | | gam/act | | 6Mb | 03 Jun 12 | 505 | ¤ Hurrican - Game inspired by Turrican | | gam/act | 0.2.6 | 1Mb | 08 Feb 24 | 128 | ¤ JetPac - The Return - Remake ZX Spectrum classic game | | gam/act | 0.5.1 | 2Mb | 24 Feb 14 | 162 | ¤ Kobo Deluxe - Overhead scrolling 2d shoot-em-up in outer-space. |
kof_beatem_up_plus2018.rar | gam/act | final | 240Mb | 04 Dec 19 | 50 | ¤ KingOfFighter_Plus - openbor games | | gam/act | 1.4 | 225kb | 26 Mar 21 | 46 | ¤ Koules - Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game | | gam/act | | 958kb | 17 Oct 08 | 152 | ¤ Kuklomenos - Kuklomenos - an abstract vector shoot em up | | gam/act | v0.6 | 217kb | 30 Apr 13 | 277 | ¤ Lastmission - Last-Mission - Retro action game. | | gam/act | 0.2.5 | 3Mb | 22 Apr 06 | 294 | ¤ Madbomber - Madbomber | | gam/act | 1.0 | 8Mb | 10 Apr 24 | 35 | ¤ MBX Magical Broom Ex - Magical Broom Extreme (MBX) is a freeware shooter | | gam/act | 1.2 | 3Mb | 10 Nov 20 | 49 | ¤ meritous - Collect PSI crystals to survive the Orcus Dome. | | gam/act | | 9Mb | 24 Jul 20 | 102 | ¤ Mini Metal Slug - a metal slug game |
ncfighter.i386-aros.lha | gam/act | 0.1 | 218kb | 25 Sep 20 | 63 | ¤ NC-Fighter - an ncurses based vertical shoot em up |
netbubble.i386-aros.lha | gam/act | 0.9 | 11Mb | 08 Nov 11 | 157 | ¤ Netbubble - NetBubble | | gam/act | 0.52 | 9Mb | 19 Sep 20 | 63 | ¤ Noiz2sa - Abstract shooter, similar to rRootage. |
openbor.i386-aros.lha | gam/act | SVN3742 | 994kb | 12 Dec 12 | 552 | ¤ Openbor - OpenBOR - Beats of Rage engine |
openbor.src-aros.lha | gam/act | SVN3742 | 4Mb | 07 Dec 12 | 162 | ¤ Openbor - OpenBOR sources | | gam/act | 0.98 | 2Mb | 23 Aug 18 | 84 | ¤ Openglad - Port of Gladiator (Gauntlet style DOS game) | | gam/act | 2.1-fix-1 | 7Mb | 16 Jan 23 | 44 | ¤ OpenTyrian Classic - Open-source port of the DOS game Tyrian. | | gam/act | 1.16c | 3Mb | 27 Apr 22 | 44 | ¤ OrbitHopper - OpenG game. Jump across space platforms. | | gam/act | 1 | 1Mb | 07 Oct 16 | 152 | ¤ pang game - The classic Pang game | | gam/act | 1.6.10 | 1Mb | 04 Jan 07 | 260 | ¤ Penguin-command - Missile command clone | | gam/act | 0.93.1 | 7Mb | 20 May 19 | 208 | ¤ Powermanga - Vertical shoot-em-up scroller. | | gam/act | 1.9 | 537kb | 19 Jan 09 | 238 | ¤ Reminiscence-i386-aros-1 - Interperator of Flashback game | | gam/act | 0.9.2 | 1Mb | 06 Oct 14 | 226 | ¤ Rock Dodger - Dodge and blow up rocks with your spaceship. |
rotate.i386-aros.tar.gz | gam/act | 1.2 | 422kb | 19 May 10 | 167 | ¤ Rotate.i386-aros - Asteroids-like game (bin+src) | | gam/act | 0.24 | 4Mb | 16 Jun 19 | 64 | ¤ rRootage - Abstract OpenGL shooter. Four gameplay modes! |
saintseiyarebirth.tgz | gam/act | final1.0 | 149Mb | 20 Oct 19 | 64 | ¤ saintseiyarebirth - a game for openbor engine |
sdlroids-1.3.4.lha | gam/act | 1.3.4 | 392kb | 30 Sep 10 | 162 | ¤ Sdlroids-1.3 - Another Asteroids clone | | gam/act | 1.3.4 | 693kb | 06 May 11 | 130 | ¤ Sdlroids-snd - SDLroids - Asteroids clone. | | gam/act | 1.00 | 33Mb | 26 May 19 | 62 | ¤ Shmupacabra - OpenGL side-scrolling space shooter. (3 missions) | | gam/act | 1.2 | 3Mb | 30 Mar 21 | 87 | ¤ Project: Starfighter - 2D side-view space shooter (with updated gfx). |
steelstorm-ep1.i386-aros.tgz | gam/act | 1 | 284Mb | 27 Apr 20 | 86 | ¤ SteelStorm-EP1 - Shoot 'em up | | gam/act | 1.5 | 2Mb | 19 Jun 11 | 140 | ¤ Supertransball - SuperTransball - remake of the classic THRUST game | | gam/act | S1 | 2Mb | 03 Oct 07 | 220 | ¤ Tanktussle - Tank Tussle | | gam/act | final | 158Mb | 07 Dec 19 | 47 | ¤ TurtlesTenagePalooza - openbor game | | gam/act | 1.1.0 | 590kb | 22 Apr 06 | 278 | ¤ Vectoroids - Vectoroids (binary + source) | | gam/act | 0.3.2 | 10Mb | 31 Jul 20 | 60 | ¤ Violetland - OpenGL top-down shooter. They have overcome... | | gam/act | 9.34 | 645kb | 31 Dec 23 | 68 | ¤ Worm Wars - Advanced Tron/Snake-style arcade game | | gam/act | | 1Mb | 29 Mar 12 | 279 | ¤ Xgalaga - XGalaga - Galaga clone. | | gam/adv | 1.77 | 673kb | 20 Aug 06 | 282 | ¤ Adv770 - Text adventure Adv770 | | gam/adv | 1.77 | 628kb | 20 Aug 06 | 192 | ¤ Adv770 - Text adventure Adv770 (Source code) | | gam/adv | final | 114Mb | 27 Apr 20 | 59 | ¤ bs_data - bermuda syndrome from internet archive preservatio | | gam/adv | 1.0 | 17kb | 24 Jul 20 | 53 | ¤ BS_Italian_Translate - italian translate for bermuda syndrome game |
bs.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | | 667kb | 07 May 17 | 198 | ¤ BermudaSyndrome - Bermuda Syndrome executable |
cotrpg.tar.gz | gam/adv | final | 368Mb | 04 Dec 19 | 39 | ¤ CotRPG - a game for easyrpg player |
darkest-hour.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | 2021 | 88kb | 20 Nov 21 | 44 | ¤ Darkest Hour - Old-fashioned text adventure game |
deserted_house.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | 1.09 | 4Mb | 14 Aug 19 | 64 | ¤ DesertHouse - text adventure with gui |
dmagnetic.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | 0.30 | 3Mb | 29 Mar 21 | 43 | ¤ dMagnetic - Interpreter for Magnetic Scroll games |
eaqne1.lzx | gam/adv | 2.00 | 18Mb | 24 Jun 23 | 22 | ¤ EAQNE 1 - Adventure detectives, crimes and mysteries |
eaqne2.lzx | gam/adv | 1.00 | 18Mb | 15 Jul 23 | 24 | ¤ EAQNE 2 - Second chapter of EAQNE |
eaqne3.lzx | gam/adv | 1.00 | 23Mb | 28 Jul 23 | 21 | ¤ EAQNE3 - Third and last chapter of EAQNE |
easyrpg.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | | 4Mb | 19 Jun 23 | 38 | ¤ EasyRPG-Player - play games created with RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 |
frobtads.i386-aros.rar | gam/adv | 0.13 | 532kb | 02 Feb 10 | 134 | ¤ Frobtads - A portable TADS toolkit |
frobtads.ppc-aros.rar | gam/adv | 0.13 | 563kb | 02 Feb 10 | 117 | ¤ Frobtads - A portable TADS toolkit |
frogatto.i386-aros.tgz | gam/adv | 1.2 | 253Mb | 10 Mar 20 | 58 | ¤ Frogratto&Friends - Platform Gl |
glulxe.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | 0.4.7 | 360kb | 17 Sep 12 | 234 | ¤ Glulxe - Glulxe, a Glulx text adventure interpreter | | gam/adv | 1.9 | 55Mb | 04 Jan 19 | 68 | ¤ Grimorium - Game for EasyRPG-Player | | gam/adv | 3.0 | 926kb | 21 May 18 | 86 | ¤ HyperRogue III - Rogue like game with unique viewing mode. | | gam/adv | 1.12 | 24Mb | 04 Jan 19 | 78 | ¤ KidnappingOfPrincess - Game for EasyRPG-Player |
losmalditosdemo.lha | gam/adv | 1.00 | 20Mb | 27 Mar 24 | 22 | ¤ Los Malditos Demo - Adventure point and click R.P.G. |
magnetic-src-2.3.1.tar.bz2 | gam/adv | 2.3.1 | 71kb | 25 Sep 10 | 279 | ¤ Magnetic-src-2.3.1 - Magnetic source code |
nmtm.lzx | gam/adv | Final1.10 | 26Mb | 25 Jun 22 | 32 | ¤ No More Toxic Man!!! - Point and click adventure game |
pawgr.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | 0.9 | 167kb | 12 Sep 20 | 66 | ¤ pawgr - Graphics extractor for PAW adventures |
pentagram.i386-aros.tgz | gam/adv | final | 3Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 47 | ¤ Pentagram - Ultima VIII engine | | gam/adv | 1.1 | 23Mb | 13 Oct 19 | 78 | ¤ Zelda Solarus DX - Zelda engine with Mystery of Solarus DX. |
taylormade.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | 0.2 | 281kb | 25 Sep 20 | 64 | ¤ TaylorMade - Interpreter for Adventure Int. UK games |
thewidow.lzx | gam/adv | F.V.2 | 18Mb | 02 Sep 21 | 53 | ¤ The Widow - Game Terror Paranormal Adventure |
ungac.i386-aros.lha | gam/adv | 0.1 | 155kb | 05 Sep 20 | 52 | ¤ UnGAC - Disassembler for adventures written with GAC | | gam/adv | 2014 | 17Mb | 09 Oct 17 | 133 | ¤ Navi's Quest - Fan made SDL game in Zelda style series. | | gam/adv | 2010 | 5Mb | 08 Sep 17 | 139 | ¤ Time to Triumph - Part of an independant SDL Zelda style series. | | gam/adv | 2009 | 3Mb | 24 Mar 19 | 87 | ¤ Zelda OniLink Begins - Fan made Zelda style SDL game. | | gam/adv | 2009 | 2Mb | 27 Mar 19 | 83 | ¤ Return of the Hylian - Fan made Zelda style SDL game. | | gam/boa | v1.0 | 956kb | 19 Mar 14 | 742 | ¤ 54321 - Five common 2d puzzles in multiple dimensions. | | gam/boa | 2.20 | 269kb | 26 Sep 17 | 84 | ¤ Abacus - MUI board game based on 'Abalone'. | | gam/boa | 1.56 | 299kb | 21 Sep 21 | 84 | ¤ Africa - Conversion of 3W board game | | gam/boa | 1.01 | 522kb | 30 Sep 12 | 474 | ¤ Ami-ingenious - Great strategy game with easy to learn rules! |
amifish.i386-aros.lha | gam/boa | 2.0 | 4Mb | 10 Oct 24 | 47 | ¤ Amifish - Chess program compatible with UCI chess engines | | gam/boa | 2 | 37kb | 09 Apr 13 | 340 | ¤ Asciibattleships - ASCII = Battleships |
beleagueredcastle.i386-aros.lha | gam/boa | 1.0 | 3Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 71 | ¤ Beleaguered Castle - solitaire card game |
bingo.i386-aros.lha | gam/boa | 1.43 | 6Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 70 | ¤ Bingo - Bingo Machine |
donkeykong_net_arosx86.lha | gam/boa | 1.83 | 4Mb | 22 Jun 24 | 32 | ¤ DonkeyKong_Net - LCD game conversion | | gam/boa | 1.0 | 373kb | 18 Jul 24 | 68 | ¤ GI Master Mind - intelligence game | | gam/boa | 1.0 | 375kb | 23 May 24 | 41 | ¤ GIMineAros - Classic Games of Mines | | gam/boa | 1.0 | 408kb | 21 May 24 | 48 | ¤ GIMorraCinese - Morra Cinese | | gam/boa | 1.0 | 388kb | 29 May 24 | 35 | ¤ GI Sequence Memory - classic memory game |
gomoko-ninuki.lha | gam/boa | 4.00 | 43kb | 16 Jan 11 | 757 | ¤ Gomoko-ninuki - Game | | gam/boa | 0.6.1 | 4Mb | 05 Sep 20 | 49 | ¤ jigzo - OpenGL jigsaw game for children |
montana.i386-aros.lha | gam/boa | 1.0 | 3Mb | 17 Jan 20 | 74 | ¤ Montana - solitaire card game | | gam/boa | 1.0.0 | 2Mb | 13 Aug 13 | 291 | ¤ Nuclear Chess - Modern-day alternative to chess. |
runaway_net_arosx86.lha | gam/boa | 1.31 | 3Mb | 22 Jun 24 | 41 | ¤ Runaway_Net - LCD game conversion | | gam/boa | 1.94 | 405kb | 20 Aug 21 | 64 | ¤ Saga - Conversion of TSR board game | | gam/boa | 1.0 | 484kb | 16 Sep 08 | 382 | ¤ Sdllopan-10 - Lopan - MahJong clone | | gam/boa | 1.0 | 479kb | 23 Jan 25 | 86 | ¤ Sdllopan-10 - Lopan - MahJong clone | | gam/boa | 0.2.1 | 24Mb | 13 Feb 21 | 61 | ¤ Shisen-Seki - Mahjong matching game. | | gam/boa | 1.0 | 412kb | 22 Jun 24 | 37 | ¤ SlotGameAros - Slot Game |
slotmachinewarmup.lha | gam/boa | 1.20 | 2Mb | 27 Feb 21 | 81 | ¤ Slot Machine Saga - A easy slot machine game |
snakee.tar.gz | gam/boa | 0.2 | 78kb | 03 Mar 09 | 413 | ¤ Snakee - A MUI-based wormgame with including source. |
sudoku-1.0.i386-aros.lha | gam/boa | 1.0 | 26kb | 14 Sep 11 | 292 | ¤ Sudoku-1.0 - Sudoku-mui |
videoslotmachine.lha | gam/boa | 1.10 | 3Mb | 13 Oct 23 | 42 | ¤ Video Slot Machine - A slot video game | | gam/boa | 1.0 | 987kb | 11 Aug 17 | 85 | ¤ Valtra Tractors - Make the longest tractor path. | | gam/car | 1.0 | 472kb | 30 May 24 | 30 | ¤ 7Mezzo Plus - Popular Italian Christmas game |
acesup.i386-aros.lha | gam/car | 1.1 | 3Mb | 04 Aug 23 | 40 | ¤ AcesUp - solitaire card game | | gam/car | 3.1 | 1Mb | 13 Jun 12 | 112 | ¤ Aceyducey - Acey Ducey - a simple card game |
baccarat.lha | gam/car | 2.0 | 8Mb | 24 Sep 24 | 46 | ¤ Baccarat - A card game from Dr. No and Casino Royal movies |
blackivan.lha | gam/car | 2.10 | 24Mb | 23 Sep 24 | 28 | ¤ BlackIvan + - A blackjack clone |
blackjuan.lha | gam/car | 1.10 | 4Mb | 17 Aug 23 | 30 | ¤ Blackjuan Poker Card - Blackjack clone | | gam/car | 1.0b | 575kb | 04 Aug 17 | 99 | ¤ Drac-Klondike - Simple SDL solitaire game using drac library. | | gam/car | 1.0 | 343kb | 07 Jun 24 | 36 | ¤ Giocodel15 - classic puzzle game from 50 years ago | | gam/car | 1.0 | 451kb | 27 May 24 | 36 | ¤ GI Poker - video poker simulations bar machines | | gam/car | 1.0 | 477kb | 17 May 24 | 43 | ¤ GScopaAros - Italian Card Game | | gam/car | 1.0 | 495kb | 17 Jun 24 | 34 | ¤ Stoppa card game - La Stoppa is an Italian card game similar to Poker | | gam/car | 1.0 | 503kb | 05 Jun 24 | 39 | ¤ Tressette a Perdere - popular Italian game |
golfsolitaire.lha | gam/car | 1.0 | 3Mb | 10 Sep 23 | 30 | ¤ Golf - Golf Solitaire Card Game |
hle-pokercard.lha | gam/car | Final | 7Mb | 30 Apr 24 | 27 | ¤ High-Low-Equal Poker - Guess the next card to appear in the table |
piramide_aros.lha | gam/car | 1.0 | 5Mb | 26 Feb 25 | 11 | ¤ Piramide - Solitaire card - remove all cards from the pyramid | | gam/car | 0.1 | 1Mb | 08 Aug 13 | 247 | ¤ Ronda - Mediterranean card game. |
royalmarriage.i386-aros.lha | gam/car | 1.0 | 3Mb | 24 Jul 23 | 29 | ¤ RoyalMarriage - solitaire card game |
royaltyaround.i386-aros.lha | gam/car | 1.0 | 3Mb | 04 Feb 23 | 35 | ¤ RoyaltyAround - solitaire card game | | gam/car | 0.34 | 979kb | 21 Mar 16 | 78 | ¤ SDLHana - The Japanese Hanafuda card game of Koi-Koi. |
sieteymedia.lha | gam/car | 1.10 | 4Mb | 17 Aug 23 | 40 | ¤ Siete Y Media - The Siete y Media card game. |
soliton-2.2.i386-aros.tar | gam/car | 2.2 | 2Mb | 01 Feb 19 | 110 | ¤ Soliton - Klondike & Freecell card game. |
soliton_rus.lha | gam/car | 2.2 | 321kb | 24 Jul 20 | 65 | ¤ soliton_rus - Russian translation for Soliton 2.2 | | gam/car | 2.12 | 43kb | 25 Aug 16 | 97 | ¤ Spades - Port of an Amiga freeware card game. | | gam/car | 1.1 | 27kb | 21 May 18 | 76 | ¤ StatOPont - Try to get 21 or bust. Amiga text based card game. | | gam/car | 2010 | 1Mb | 03 Oct 13 | 226 | ¤ SuPoker - Simple videopoker game (in french). | | gam/car | 2003 | 1017kb | 04 Aug 17 | 195 | ¤ Tong-its - Filipino Card game. | | gam/car | 0.7.4 | 4Mb | 05 Jan 16 | 85 | ¤ Tressette - Italian card game. | | gam/chi | 1.0 | 17Mb | 05 Dec 18 | 57 | ¤ Aibot - Educational game to teach coding |
gunfight_arosx86.lha | gam/chi | 1.0 | 5Mb | 10 Nov 20 | 56 | ¤ GunFight - retro arcade old style games | | gam/chi | 1.0 | 3Mb | 03 Oct 13 | 221 | ¤ Help Hannah's Horse - Cute kiddie graphics with Pacman style gameplay. |
loschinos.lha | gam/chi | FinalVersi | 5Mb | 23 Jan 23 | 31 | ¤ Los Chinos Game - This is the classic spanish games with fingers |
selmasmemorygame.i386-aros.lha | gam/chi | 0.2 | 448kb | 18 Sep 15 | 149 | ¤ Selmas Memory Game - A Simple MUI-based memory game | | gam/chi | 1.6.3 | 5Mb | 21 Nov 16 | 84 | ¤ Tux, of Math Command - Math game styled like 'Missle Command' | | gam/chi | 1.5.2 | 8Mb | 02 Jan 17 | 69 | ¤ Tux Typing 2 - Typing tutorial styled like 'Missle Command' game. | | gam/dri | 0.3 | 559kb | 24 Dec 15 | 178 | ¤ Cannonball - Game engine for SEGA OutRun arcade game. |
f1spirit.i386-aros.rar | gam/dri | 1.0 | 19Mb | 12 Sep 20 | 75 | ¤ F1 Spirit - F1 Spirit port | | gam/dri | 0.61 | 6Mb | 21 Feb 23 | 37 | ¤ GLtron - a 3d lightcycle racing game using OpenGL | | gam/dri | 4 | 130kb | 09 Jun 11 | 136 | ¤ Kitty - Aros Kitty Kart for SuperTuxKart 0.7 | | gam/dri | 5 | 150kb | 03 Aug 11 | 172 | ¤ Kitty0 - Aros Kitty Kart for SuperTuxKart 0.62 | | gam/dri | | 189kb | 05 Jun 11 | 193 | ¤ Kittykart_v004_249 - Blender file of SuperTuxKart Aros KittyKart Kart |
multiracer.i386-aros.tar | gam/dri | 1.0.4 | 9Mb | 15 Aug 22 | 33 | ¤ Multiracer - OpenGL Driving Simulation | | gam/dri | 1.0.1269 | 5Mb | 03 Jun 11 | 272 | ¤ Roadfighter-1.0 - RoadFighter Remake | | gam/dri | 4.2.0 | 1Mb | 14 Apr 15 | 129 | ¤ Skunks - Retro style 3d driving sim with physics. |
speeddreams-2.i386-aros.tgz | gam/dri | 2.0.0 | 6Mb | 10 Mar 20 | 81 | ¤ SpeedDreams2 - racing game gl |
speeddreams2-data1.tgz | gam/dri | 2.0.0 | 335Mb | 10 Mar 20 | 65 | ¤ SpeedDreams2Data1 - data file for speeddreams2 archive 1 |
speeddreams2-data2.tgz | gam/dri | 2.0.0 | 479Mb | 10 Mar 20 | 60 | ¤ SpeedDreams2Data2 - data file for speeddreams2 archive 2 |
speeddreams2-lib.i386-aros.tgz | gam/dri | 2.0.0 | 5Mb | 10 Mar 20 | 69 | ¤ SpeedDreams2-lib - lib data | | gam/dri | 2008 | 337kb | 28 Aug 18 | 119 | ¤ Stunt Car Remake - OpenGL clone of Stunt Car Racer. |
supermodel3.i386-aros.tgz | gam/dri | final | 1Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 50 | ¤ sega_supermodel_3 - engine for sega car games |
supertuxkart.i386-aros.lha | gam/dri | 0.6.2a | 109Mb | 30 Apr 18 | 131 | ¤ Supertuxart - opengl arcade racer | | gam/dri | 1.2 | 574kb | 01 May 24 | 56 | ¤ wipEout Rewrite - A re-implementation of the PSX game wipEout | | gam/fps | 1.5.3 | 10Mb | 04 Apr 24 | 40 | ¤ Adoom3 - ADoom3 | | gam/fps | 1.5.3 | 10Mb | 04 Oct 24 | 35 | ¤ Adoom3 - Doom3 for AROS x86_64 ABIv11 |
assaultcube- | gam/fps | | 758kb | 23 Jun 11 | 128 | ¤ Assaultcube- - AssaultCube 3D game source codes |
assaultcube1202.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | | 53Mb | 09 May 18 | 105 | ¤ Assaultcube - AssaultCube 3D game FPS |
assaultcubereloaded263.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 2.6.2 | 68Mb | 03 May 18 | 100 | ¤ AssaultCubeReloaded - first person shooter |
avp.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | | 11Mb | 10 Jun 12 | 369 | ¤ Avp - Aliens vs Predator |
avp.src-aros.lha | gam/fps | | 4Mb | 10 Jun 12 | 201 | ¤ Avp - Aliens vs Predator source | | gam/fps | 20050829 | 31Mb | 23 Jun 11 | 287 | ¤ Cube-20050829 - Cube 3D game |
cube-20050829.src-aros.tar.gz | gam/fps | 20050829 | 375kb | 23 Jun 11 | 120 | ¤ Cube-20050829.src-aros - Cube 3D game source codes | | gam/fps | 20100719 | 2Mb | 08 Jul 11 | 276 | ¤ Cube2-20100719 - Cube 2 game |
cube2-20100719.src-aros.tar.gz | gam/fps | 20100719 | 913kb | 08 Jul 11 | 124 | ¤ Cube2-20100719.src-aros - Cube 2 game source codes |
d1x-rebirth.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | final | 2Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 84 | ¤ DX1-Rebirth - Descent Engine |
d2x-rebirth.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | final | 2Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 71 | ¤ DX2-Rebirth - Descent II engine |
darkplaces.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 0.6.0 | 3Mb | 04 Jan 13 | 427 | ¤ Darkplaces - Darkplaces engine (QuakeWorld, Nexuiz, Xonotic) |
darkplaces.src-aros.tgz | gam/fps | 0.6.0 | 5Mb | 08 Jan 13 | 246 | ¤ Darkplaces - Darkplaces engine sources | | gam/fps | final | 2Mb | 05 Apr 20 | 84 | ¤ DoomShareware - historical fps game absoluty shareware | | gam/fps | Final | 6Mb | 01 Feb 21 | 88 | ¤ DoomII - From Internet Archive Preservation |
duke3dw.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 4.2.2 | 1Mb | 07 Dec 12 | 352 | ¤ Duke3dw - Duke3dw |
duke3dw.src.lha | gam/fps | 4.2.2 | 3Mb | 08 Jul 12 | 164 | ¤ Duke3dw - Duke3dw source |
duke3d_data.tgz | gam/fps | final | 11Mb | 27 Apr 20 | 78 | ¤ Duke3D_Data - Data Game From Internet Archive Preservation |
etlegacy.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 2.71rc3 | 17Mb | 06 Nov 13 | 304 | ¤ ET: Legacy - Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: Legacy |
etlegacy.src.tgz | gam/fps | 2.71rc3 | 15Mb | 06 Nov 13 | 241 | ¤ ET: Legacy - ET Legacy sources |
fuhquake.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 0.31 | 4Mb | 16 May 12 | 243 | ¤ Fuhquake - Fuhquake for AROS |
fuhquake.src-aros.lha | gam/fps | 0.31 | 825kb | 16 May 12 | 123 | ¤ Fuhquake - Fuhquake for AROS (sources) |
furbykill3d.aros.lha | gam/fps | | 2Mb | 09 Jun 12 | 156 | ¤ Furbykill3d - FPS game where you have to kill Furbies |
glquake-sdl-src.lha | gam/fps | 1.09 | 1Mb | 10 Apr 12 | 179 | ¤ Glquake-sdl-src - SDL-based GLQuake sources |
glquake-sdl.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 1.09 | 372kb | 10 Apr 12 | 307 | ¤ Glquake-sdl - SDL-based GLQuake |
hexen2-1.5.9-aros-i386.lha | gam/fps | 1.5.9 | 5Mb | 12 Aug 18 | 144 | ¤ Hexen2 - Hexen II for AROS |
hexen2-utils-1.5.9-aros-i386.lha | gam/fps | 1.5.9 | 315kb | 12 Aug 18 | 86 | ¤ Hexen2-utils - Hexen II utilities for AROS |
hexen2.src-aros.lha | gam/fps | 1.5.3 | 3Mb | 19 May 12 | 149 | ¤ Hexen2 - Hexen II for AROS (sources) |
hexen2demo.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 1.5.5 | 13Mb | 08 Sep 12 | 145 | ¤ Hexen2demo - Hexen II demo |
hexenworld-1.5.9-aros-i386.lha | gam/fps | 1.5.9 | 7Mb | 12 Aug 18 | 96 | ¤ Hexenworld - HexenWorld for AROS |
hexenworld-utils-1.5.9-aros-i386.lha | gam/fps | 1.5.8 | 58kb | 12 Aug 18 | 89 | ¤ Hexenworld-utils - HexenWorld utilities for AROS |
nehahra.i386-aros.tgz | gam/fps | final | 142Mb | 05 Apr 20 | 42 | ¤ Nehahra-Queke-Mod - Quake Mod With Darkplaces Engine |
nexuiz_classic.i386-aros.tgz | gam/fps | 2.5.2 | 3Mb | 19 Feb 20 | 63 | ¤ Nexuiz_Classic - FPS Games Multiplayer, Singleplayer |
odamex-aros.lha | gam/fps | 0.7.0 | 6Mb | 24 Jul 20 | 98 | ¤ odamex - open source engine for doom, doom2 ecc... |
openjk-ja.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | final | 5Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 85 | ¤ OpenJK-JedyAccademy - Jedy Accademy Port Open Source Engine |
openjk-jo.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | final | 2Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 163 | ¤ OpenJK-JedyOutcast - Jedy Outcast Port Open Source Engine |
prboom.i386-aros.tar | gam/fps | 1.68 | 9Mb | 14 Aug 22 | 43 | ¤ PrBoom+ - Advanced Engine for Doom, Doom II, Hexen, Heretic | | gam/fps | | 8Mb | 14 Nov 06 | 547 | ¤ Quake - first person shooter | | gam/fps | 1.32bR2 | 557kb | 01 Aug 10 | 474 | ¤ Quake3-1.32br2 - Quake III |
quake3-1.32br2.src-aros.tar.gz | gam/fps | 1.32bR2 | 4Mb | 01 Aug 10 | 165 | ¤ Quake3-1.32br2.src-aros - Quake III Sources |
quake_shareware.lha | gam/fps | 1 | 12Mb | 29 Jun 19 | 101 | ¤ Quake_Shareware - Quake shareware file fro id software |
redeclipse.i386-aros.tar | gam/fps | 1.5.3 | 133Mb | 29 Aug 22 | 39 | ¤ RedEclipse - FPS Game |
romirtlights.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | | 335kb | 08 Aug 18 | 104 | ¤ Romi's rtlight - file for quake with darkplaces engine | | gam/fps | 1 | 21kb | 11 Jun 19 | 59 | ¤ romisrlights_soa - option for quake and darkplac emission pack 1 |
rtcw.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 1.41b | 3Mb | 05 Sep 12 | 415 | ¤ Rtcw - Return to Castle Wolfenstein |
rtcw.src-aros.lha | gam/fps | 1.41b | 7Mb | 05 Sep 12 | 221 | ¤ Rtcw - Return to Castle Wolfenstein sources |
stvoyhm.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | final | 1Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 88 | ¤ StarTrekVoyager - Elite Force Holomatch "Multiplayer" | | gam/fps | 1.6 | 2Mb | 14 Sep 09 | 380 | ¤ Wolf4sdl - Wolf4SDL Wolfenstein and Spear of Destiny for AROS |
yquake2.i386-aros.lha | gam/fps | 4.90 | 2Mb | 07 Dec 12 | 353 | ¤ Yquake2 - Yamagi Quake II for AROS |
yquake2.src.tgz | gam/fps | 4.90 | 2Mb | 07 Dec 12 | 160 | ¤ Yquake2 - Yamagi Quake II sources | | gam/mis | | 3Mb | 26 Oct 10 | 141 | ¤ Airstrike - 2d dogfighting game | | gam/mis | 1.1.0 | 7Mb | 26 Oct 10 | 132 | ¤ Alienblaster - Stop the invasion of the aliens and blast them |
asciiportal.i386-aros.rar | gam/mis | 1.2c | 8Mb | 03 Feb 10 | 126 | ¤ Asciiportal - ASCII based Portal clone | | gam/mis | 2014 | 345kb | 24 Jul 20 | 39 | ¤ ativayeban - Fall through a labyrinth. Avoid getting crushed! | | gam/mis | 1.0.2 | 235kb | 16 Jun 14 | 231 | ¤ Bitefusion - Simple and stylistic 8 level snake game. | | gam/mis | 0.2.3 | 237kb | 26 May 11 | 121 | ¤ Blockrage - BlockRage - a falling-blocks game. | | gam/mis | 0.99.2 | 1Mb | 26 Jan 19 | 72 | ¤ Bomns - 1 keyboard, 2 players, it's the bomb, with an n. | | gam/mis | 2014_251 | 548kb | 01 Apr 22 | 54 | ¤ Ball Breaker - Arkanoid clone | | gam/mis | 2004 | 3Mb | 09 Jan 17 | 77 | ¤ BubbleTrain - Bubble shooter. |
colorit.i386-aros.lha | gam/mis | 1.0 | 2Mb | 23 Feb 15 | 101 | ¤ ColorIt - Fill the board with the same color. | | gam/mis | 20000407 | 215kb | 03 Mar 19 | 79 | ¤ Digger - Remake of the PC game Digger (Windmill-1983) | | gam/mis | 0.3.1 | 6Mb | 16 Dec 13 | 255 | ¤ Emilia Pinball - OpenGL pinball game featuring Tux. | | gam/mis | 0.7.0 | 3Mb | 09 Sep 09 | 153 | ¤ Epiphany - Simple Boulderdash clone | | gam/mis | 0.1.6 | 2Mb | 27 Dec 14 | 102 | ¤ Fish Supper - An OpenGl game loosely based on Frogger. |
fop.i386-aros.lha | gam/mis | 0.5 | 692kb | 08 Jan 21 | 53 | ¤ Fight or Perish - SDL dungeon-crawling game | | gam/mis | 2012.07.24 | 33Mb | 24 Nov 19 | 61 | ¤ FretsCPP - OpenGl game similar to "Frets on Fire" | | gam/mis | 0701-2 | 418kb | 06 Jul 22 | 41 | ¤ Friq - Bubble shooter. | | gam/mis | 0.9 | 1Mb | 12 Apr 16 | 99 | ¤ GemDropX - Based on Atari 8-bit game "Gem Drop" | | gam/mis | 1.0 | 425kb | 20 Sep 24 | 105 | ¤ GIMemoryGameAros - Memory Game | | gam/mis | 1.0 | 369kb | 31 Aug 24 | 234 | ¤ GISkyBalls - Game of skill | | gam/mis | 0.21 | 5Mb | 25 Jul 23 | 22 | ¤ Heroes - Snake game with many power-ups and options | | gam/mis | 2014 | 2Mb | 08 Dec 17 | 85 | ¤ Hocoslamfy - SDL Flappy Bird clone. | | gam/mis | 0.1.1 | 149kb | 06 Mar 21 | 73 | ¤ Homing Fever - Quick and simple. Avoid all incoming missiles. | | gam/mis | 1.9.9 | 430kb | 15 Aug 20 | 65 | ¤ IceBreaker - Similar to Jezzball and Qix. |
jackpot.i386-aros.lzx | gam/mis | 1.3 | 1Mb | 09 May 19 | 62 | ¤ AmiJackPot - Slot machine | | gam/mis | 0.7.2 | 18Mb | 08 Feb 19 | 78 | ¤ Krystal Drop - GPL-clone of NeoGeo's 'Magical Drop'. | | gam/mis | 0.6.5 | 3Mb | 13 Sep 17 | 210 | ¤ Lunar Lander - OpenGL Lunar Lander clone. |
lbreakout2-2.6.3.i386-aros.tar.gz | gam/mis | 2.6.3 | 3Mb | 31 May 11 | 188 | ¤ Lbreakout2-2.6.3.i386-aros - LBreakout2 - Breakout clone in SDL *with sound* | | gam/mis | 0.05 | 893kb | 25 Jun 14 | 241 | ¤ Miss Driller - Mr.Driller clone. Dig deep. Avoid falling blocks. | | gam/mis | 2.1 | 6Mb | 13 Apr 21 | 79 | ¤ MunchDude Hero - An OpenGL game in the style of Pacman. | | gam/mis | 0.7.1 | 3Mb | 13 Aug 22 | 30 | ¤ MyMan - A Pacman style game, done with text. | | gam/mis | 0.4.2 | 133Mb | 20 Nov 17 | 98 | ¤ NAEV Sea of Darkness - OpenGL top-down space trading and combat game. |
neverball.i386-aros.lha | gam/mis | 1.5.4 | 54Mb | 14 Sep 12 | 194 | ¤ Neverball - Neverball and Neverputt |
neverball.src-aros.lha | gam/mis | 1.5.4 | 26Mb | 08 Sep 12 | 107 | ¤ Neverball - Neverball and Neverputt sources |
nmtm-solution.lha | gam/mis | Final | 23kb | 14 Dec 21 | 47 | ¤ NMTM!!! Solution - The solution for the game No More Toxic Man!!! |
passcodes.i386-aros.lha | gam/mis | 1.0 | 6Mb | 01 Nov 23 | 27 | ¤ Passcodes - network word guessing game | | gam/mis | 1.0 | 6Mb | 02 Dec 21 | 35 | ¤ Pixel Artist - OpenGL game. Swap blocks to match pixel patterns. | | gam/mis | a1.1,q0.1 | 1Mb | 25 Apr 16 | 83 | ¤ AftStalker, QuadBack - Two simple 8-bit inspired clones. |
r2z.i386-aros.lha | gam/mis | 1.3 | 1Mb | 29 May 17 | 92 | ¤ R²Z - Test your reactions - with online highscore |
r2z_aros_intel.lha | gam/mis | 1.6 | 2Mb | 14 Jul 21 | 62 | ¤ R2Z - Test your reaction times | | gam/mis | 1.0.0 | 3Mb | 14 Aug 18 | 72 | ¤ SdlZombies - Avoid Zombie penguins so that they fall into holes |
slotmachinewarmup.i386-aros.lha | gam/mis | 1.10 | 475kb | 09 May 19 | 62 | ¤ SlotMachineSaga - A new slot machine |
sminkiator-1.1.lha | gam/mis | 1.1 | 6Mb | 06 Feb 22 | 36 | ¤ Sminkiator - Randomize world for fun |
snakegame.i386-aros.tar.gz | gam/mis | 1.0 | 1023kb | 18 May 10 | 126 | ¤ Snakegame.i386-aros - Tiny Snake game using SDL (bin+src) | | gam/mis | 1.0.1 | 3Mb | 15 Oct 22 | 32 | ¤ SnakeMe - Snake game with many options. |
sopwith.lha | gam/mis | 1.7.4 | 564kb | 18 Sep 10 | 152 | ¤ Sopwith - Amigang SopWith | | gam/mis | 1.0.5 | 6Mb | 27 Apr 20 | 49 | ¤ Spacejunk - Plot a course thru gravity fields to clear junk. | | gam/mis | 5 | 11Mb | 26 Sep 19 | 69 | ¤ StockFish - Chess engine that works from the command line +src |
sumeria.i386-aros.lha | gam/mis | 19.3 | 149kb | 14 Oct 20 | 62 | ¤ sumeria.i386-aros - Classic economic game about Hammurabi | | gam/mis | 1.55 | 9Mb | 15 Jan 18 | 68 | ¤ I Have No Tomatoes - 10 mazes. 10 minutes. Bomb all tomatoes. (OpenGL) | | gam/mis | 1.0 | 32Mb | 17 Apr 23 | 22 | ¤ TONG! - Tetris meets Pong = TONG! |
uqm.i386-aros.tar.bz2 | gam/mis | 0.7.0 | 1Mb | 03 May 12 | 137 | ¤ Uqm.i386-aros - Port of Ur-Quan Masters |
uqm.src-aros.tar.bz2 | gam/mis | 0.7.0 | 1Mb | 03 May 12 | 106 | ¤ Uqm.src-aros - Source for Ur-Quan Masters port | | gam/mis | 0.5.5 | 728kb | 30 Apr 15 | 97 | ¤ VoR - Dodge space rocks until you die. |
whobecomesamigaguru.i386-aros.lha | gam/mis | 1.2 | 23Mb | 17 Feb 15 | 195 | ¤ WhoBecomesAmigaGuru - Game about a fictitious tv show | | gam/mis | 110816 | 724kb | 16 Jun 14 | 215 | ¤ Wormik - Simple worm-like game. | | gam/mis | 0.3.2 | 4Mb | 10 Feb 20 | 69 | ¤ Zatacka X - Tron/Snake like game with curved turning. | | gam/mis | 1.0.0 | 21Mb | 13 Mar 19 | 76 | ¤ Zaz - Snatch & match rolling balls in time. (OpenGL) | | gam/pla | 1.13 | 1Mb | 02 Mar 15 | 137 | ¤ Abbaye des Morts - Retro style platform game. | | gam/pla | 1.1 | 3Mb | 20 Jun 18 | 83 | ¤ Abe!! - SDL platformer set in pyramid passages. |
aquaria_aros.i386.lha | gam/pla | | 2Mb | 26 Oct 10 | 313 | ¤ Aquaria_aros - Aquaria, underwater game | | gam/pla | 0.1.9 | 932kb | 05 Mar 11 | 134 | ¤ Arosrs - Reminiscence - Flashback | | gam/pla | 1.1 | 44Mb | 11 Nov 11 | 149 | ¤ Beret - Beret is a 2D puzzle-platformer game about a scien | | gam/pla | 1.19 | 65Mb | 09 Oct 22 | 41 | ¤ Blob Wars - Platform shooter. Rescue blobs. Lockandload. | | gam/pla | 1.9.0 | 617kb | 06 Feb 22 | 45 | ¤ BurgerSpace - Similar to BurgerTime (1982) | | gam/pla | 1.0 | 6Mb | 19 Dec 14 | 230 | ¤ Cadog Adventures - OpenGL platform game. |
cavestory.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | | 2Mb | 07 Dec 12 | 733 | ¤ Cavestory - Cave Story (NXEngine) |
cavestory.src-aros.tgz | gam/pla | | 595kb | 07 Dec 12 | 321 | ¤ Cavestory - NXEngine sources | | gam/pla | | 4Mb | 21 Feb 25 | 59 | ¤ Cave Story - Cave Story (NXEngine) | | gam/pla | 1.3.1 | 2Mb | 02 Nov 20 | 63 | ¤ Celeste - Tough platform game with retro sound & gfx. | | gam/pla | 0.9.4 | 427kb | 16 Feb 23 | 29 | ¤ Chocolate Keen - Game engine for Commander Keen (1-3) | | gam/pla | 1.27 | 125Mb | 26 Oct 17 | 116 | ¤ The Legend of Edgar - Sdl 2d platform adventure game. |
freeprince.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 0.4-pre | 464kb | 23 Jan 21 | 67 | ¤ FreePrince - Prince of Persia engine |
gianas-return-v.latest.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 1.10 | 7Mb | 20 Jun 18 | 146 | ¤ Giana's Returns - a platform game like Mario | | gam/pla | 1.2 | 18Mb | 15 Jan 18 | 93 | ¤ Gilbert & the doors - SDL platform game. Collect all keys. | | gam/pla | 104 | 25Mb | 18 Jan 21 | 46 | ¤ GNP - Unusual platform game with anchor |
gooniesrm.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 1.0.1 | 17Mb | 13 Oct 10 | 204 | ¤ Gooniesrm - Remake of the 8bits game The Goonies Remake | | gam/pla | 1.2.2 | 344kb | 28 Sep 19 | 62 | ¤ Heart of The Alien - Game engine for HOTA | | gam/pla | 1.02 | 1Mb | 20 Jun 18 | 92 | ¤ Hermes - a platform game like Mario | | gam/pla | 1/2019 | 2Mb | 26 Jan 19 | 88 | ¤ HydraCastleLabyrinth - SDL platform game. | | gam/pla | 1.0.2 | 886kb | 03 Feb 20 | 54 | ¤ Jumpman - OpenGL platform game with rotation. | | gam/pla | 0.5.1 | 24Mb | 26 Oct 20 | 45 | ¤ jvgs - Short OpenGL minimalistic game with stick-figures. | | gam/pla | 1.0.3 | 35Mb | 15 Jan 18 | 99 | ¤ lariad - OpenGL jump and shoot platformer. | | gam/pla | 0.63 | 53Mb | 24 Jul 22 | 49 | ¤ Maze of Galious - Remake of a MSX platformer |
nickboum.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 0.1.5 | 1Mb | 26 Oct 17 | 100 | ¤ Nickyboum.0.1.5 - NickyBoum | | gam/pla | 0.1.5 | 279kb | 26 Aug 08 | 227 | ¤ Nicky-0.1 - NickyBoum-data | | gam/pla | 1.1 | 974kb | 14 Oct 20 | 51 | ¤ Nikwi Deluxe - Platform game, help Nikwi find all the sweets. |
opensyobonaction.src-aros.tar.gz | gam/pla | RC3 | 12Mb | 17 Oct 18 | 57 | ¤ Open Syobon source - game source to compile with aros toolchain |
pig.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 1.0 | 1Mb | 08 Jan 21 | 54 | ¤ Fixed Rate Pig - Retro style platform game (SDL) | | gam/pla | 1.1 | 6Mb | 23 May 11 | 132 | ¤ Primateplunge - Primate Plunge - scrolling platform game. |
reminiscence-0.1.9.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 0.1.9 | 1007kb | 06 Mar 11 | 238 | ¤ Reminiscence-0.1.9 - REminiscence_x86 |
retrobattle.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 1.0.0 | 7Mb | 05 Oct 12 | 151 | ¤ Retrobattle - Retrobattle |
retrobattle.src-aros.lha | gam/pla | 1.0.0 | 5Mb | 05 Oct 12 | 101 | ¤ Retrobattle - Retrobattle sources | | gam/pla | 2.0.0b70 | 13Mb | 27 Aug 19 | 73 | ¤ Rockbot I - Megaman style SDL platform game. | | gam/pla | 145.4 | 384kb | 26 Sep 22 | 26 | ¤ Scavenger - Lode Runner clone | | gam/pla | 145.18 | 329kb | 17 Apr 06 | 390 | ¤ Sdlscav - SDL Scavenger A Lode Runner like game | | gam/pla | 145.18 | 295kb | 17 Apr 06 | 182 | ¤ Sdlscav - SDL Scavenger A Lode Runner like game | | gam/pla | 1.8-beta2 | 17Mb | 15 Oct 18 | 107 | ¤ Super Mario War - Crush the opposition in this platform jumping game |
sqrxz-v0996a.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 0.996a | 1Mb | 20 Jun 18 | 118 | ¤ Sqrxz Remake - a platform game like Mario |
sqrxz2-v.latest.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 1.0 | 809kb | 20 Jun 18 | 107 | ¤ Sqrxz 2 - sequel of sqrxz remake | | gam/pla | 1.5r | 925kb | 20 Jun 18 | 87 | ¤ Sqrxz 3 - sequel of sqrxz 2 | | gam/pla | 1.0 | 1Mb | 08 Jul 19 | 67 | ¤ Sqrxz_4 - Chapter four of Sqrxz Saga |
supertux.lha | gam/pla | 0.1.3 | 8Mb | 30 Sep 10 | 255 | ¤ Supertux - SDL platform jump 'n run like Giana Sisters/Mario | | gam/pla | 3.4 | 69Mb | 29 Oct 22 | 157 | ¤ SuperTux2 - SDL Jump-n-run game inspired by Super Mario. |
syobon.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 1,0,1 | 4Mb | 28 Sep 12 | 189 | ¤ Syobon - Syobon Action |
syobon.src-aros.lha | gam/pla | 1.0.1 | 4Mb | 28 Sep 12 | 128 | ¤ Syobon - Syobon Action sources | | gam/pla | 1.0 | 610kb | 19 Jul 24 | 85 | ¤ Terri-Fried - A game of balanced power and precision. | | gam/pla | 1.1.6 | 3Mb | 05 Apr 20 | 48 | ¤ Tower Toppler - Nebulous clone. Jump and run up the towers. |
warmux.i386-aros.lha | gam/pla | 11.04 | 125Mb | 25 Apr 18 | 113 | ¤ Warmux - Worms Clone | | gam/pla | 021212 | 2Mb | 24 Jul 11 | 250 | ¤ Xrick021212_joy-i386-aros - xRick - Rick Dangerous clone w sound and joystick | | gam/puz | 1.3 | 3Mb | 08 Aug 13 | 250 | ¤ 2H4U - Too Hard For You. Tetris and Breakout combined. | | gam/puz | 0.2b | 773kb | 01 May 11 | 111 | ¤ Abombniball - Defuse the bombs before time runs out. |
abrick-1.12-i386.tar.gz | gam/puz | 1.12 | 2Mb | 17 Mar 09 | 165 | ¤ Abrick-1.12-i386 - Tetris clone |
ami-lineapolis.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 3.18 | 912kb | 31 Oct 11 | 147 | ¤ Ami-lineapolis - Native AROS Morpion Solitaire game |
amibrixx_aros.lha | gam/puz | 2.1 | 2Mb | 16 Nov 20 | 62 | ¤ amibrixx - puzzle-game |
amigang-tetris1.lha | gam/puz | 0.1b | 307kb | 16 Sep 10 | 171 | ¤ Amigang-tetris1 - Amigang Tetris |
amilines.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 4.03 | 59kb | 30 Dec 10 | 149 | ¤ Amilines - Game |
amilines_rus.lha | gam/puz | 3.00 | 23kb | 24 Jul 20 | 57 | ¤ amilines_rus - Russian catalog file for AmiLines 3.00 | | gam/puz | | 35kb | 24 Feb 12 | 155 | ¤ Amtris - Amtris - Blocks fall from sky (+ c Src) | | gam/puz | 0.2 | 1Mb | 02 May 11 | 124 | ¤ Anagramarama - Anagramarama - Word game. |
asciiportal.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.2c | 12Mb | 17 Sep 12 | 114 | ¤ Asciiportal - ASCIIpOrtal |
asciiportal.src-aros.tgz | gam/puz | 1.2c | 10Mb | 17 Sep 12 | 83 | ¤ Asciiportal - ASCIIpOrtal sources | | gam/puz | 1.03 | 772kb | 12 Apr 22 | 56 | ¤ Atomiks - Remake of "Atomix" (Thalion Software - 1990) |
bageln_aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.2 | 1Mb | 22 Jul 12 | 119 | ¤ Bageln_aros - Bageln - a small numbers game | | gam/puz | 0.4 | 1Mb | 13 Feb 23 | 32 | ¤ BeastieWorker - OpenGL sokoban game in 3d (10 levels) | | gam/puz | 1.30 | 3Mb | 05 Dec 09 | 129 | ¤ Biniax2 - Simple and child friendly logical game |
binshifter10.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.0 | 2Mb | 06 Jan 19 | 85 | ¤ binshifter - A 2048-game clone | | gam/puz | 1.4.8 | 988kb | 02 Jun 13 | 229 | ¤ Black-box - Black-Box - find the crystals game. | | gam/puz | 1.4.2 | 6Mb | 23 Aug 17 | 81 | ¤ Block Attack - Match colors of rising blocks in time. | | gam/puz | 2.4 | 5Mb | 10 Sep 09 | 165 | ¤ Blockout - 3D Tetris | | gam/puz | 2.4 | 5Mb | 10 Sep 09 | 111 | ¤ Blockout - Source code for Blockout II | | gam/puz | 1.0 | 3Mb | 05 Sep 20 | 54 | ¤ Blocks Of The Undead - Match all blocks, with limited moves. (18 puzzles) | | gam/puz | 0.04 | 3Mb | 20 Nov 21 | 30 | ¤ brickshooter - Shoot to clear colored blocks (60 levels). |
candycrisis.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 12/12/2012 | 6Mb | 14 Dec 12 | 311 | ¤ Candycrisis - Candy Crisis |
candycrisis.src-aros.tgz | gam/puz | 12/12/2012 | 536kb | 12 Dec 12 | 236 | ¤ Candycrisis - Candy Crisis sources | | gam/puz | 1.1 | 834kb | 16 Nov 20 | 42 | ¤ Caph - Hand-drawn puzzles. Make two objects meet. | | gam/puz | 1.3 | 188kb | 11 Aug 17 | 185 | ¤ cblocks - Sliding-block puzzles with ascii graphics. |
changeit_08.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 0.8 | 19Mb | 26 Oct 09 | 148 | ¤ Changeit_08 - Logical game (Amiga Bejeveled clone) | | gam/puz | 1.15 | 5Mb | 24 Jul 16 | 80 | ¤ Chroma - Push triangles, collect stars, avoid traps. |
circles_of_harmony.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.05 | 660kb | 27 Jan 14 | 265 | ¤ Circles of Harmony - small puzzle for brain training | | gam/puz | 0.6 | 1Mb | 19 Sep 22 | 24 | ¤ Color Lines - Arrange 5 same color balls in line. | | gam/puz | 0.7.1 | 3Mb | 11 May 15 | 112 | ¤ Crates! - Find the path to clear the key crates and exit. | | gam/puz | 1.1 | 7Mb | 16 Jun 12 | 101 | ¤ Crosscrabtris - CrossCrabTris - a mix of crossword scrabble tetris | | gam/puz | Beta0.3a | 481Mb | 12 Dec 21 | 41 | ¤ Cubosphere - OpenGL maze game. Roll sphere to find the exit. | | gam/puz | 2.0.0 | 4Mb | 10 Mar 14 | 213 | ¤ cuyo - Unusual Puyo-Puyo style falling pieces game. |
digipic03.lha | gam/puz | 0.3 | 152kb | 11 Dec 06 | 190 | ¤ Digipic03 - Try to build picture from numbers | | gam/puz | 1.2 | 2Mb | 14 Jun 12 | 114 | ¤ Doors - Doors - a small thinking game |
fishfillets.i386-aros.tar.gz | gam/puz | 1.0.1 | 141Mb | 20 Nov 17 | 75 | ¤ Fish Fillets - NG - Two fish must cooperate to escape underwater mazes |
fpcmines.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.1 | 2Mb | 06 Jan 19 | 86 | ¤ FPCMines - Minesweeper close for AROS | | gam/puz | 1.00 | 958kb | 20 Jun 18 | 74 | ¤ Fruit'y - a puzzle game like candycrisis | | gam/puz | 1.9 | 185kb | 30 May 14 | 229 | ¤ Galaxis - Ascii logic game. Locate 4 missing spacecraft. | | gam/puz | 1577 | 2Mb | 04 Mar 12 | 126 | ¤ Game - game - simple tetris-like game. | | gam/puz | 2012 | 5Mb | 26 Jan 15 | 101 | ¤ Gemgem - Bejeweled-like gem matching game. | | gam/puz | 1.5 | 3Mb | 14 Dec 21 | 38 | ¤ Giddy 3 - OpenGL puzzle-solving platform game. | | gam/puz | 1.0 | 383kb | 23 Jul 24 | 60 | ¤ GI Puzzle Balls - Game of skill | | gam/puz | 0.1 | 1Mb | 08 Oct 17 | 82 | ¤ GLColumns - OpenGL game to match 3 or more falling gems. | | gam/puz | 1.1.1 | 309kb | 14 Aug 18 | 74 | ¤ glJewel - OpenGL game to match 3 or more objects. | | gam/puz | 0.66 | 2Mb | 17 Apr 13 | 275 | ¤ Gnurobbo066 - GnuRobbo - maze game. | | gam/puz | 4.2 | 214kb | 18 Aug 17 | 198 | ¤ Greed - Simple game to clear an ascii field of numbers. |
gtktetris.lha | gam/puz | 0.6.2 | 1Mb | 16 May 13 | 263 | ¤ Gtktetris - A tetris clone for AROS with GTK-MUI interface | | gam/puz | r2-2009 | 789kb | 02 Jan 14 | 100 | ¤ Gnats Tetris Machine - OpenGL tetris clone. | | gam/puz | 0.3 | 310kb | 02 Feb 12 | 167 | ¤ Hueflow - popular and very fun color puzzle game | | gam/puz | 1.0.1 | 127kb | 08 Aug 18 | 65 | ¤ IM-puzzle - Combine shapes to fill blocks. | | gam/puz | 0.3 | 2Mb | 18 Apr 06 | 291 | ¤ Interlogic - SDL game InterLOGIC | | gam/puz | 0.3 | 1Mb | 18 Apr 06 | 180 | ¤ Interlogic - SDL game InterLOGIC (Source) | | gam/puz | 0.1.4 | 9Mb | 29 May 11 | 101 | ¤ Jooleem - Jooleem - form boxes with marbles. | | gam/puz | 0.3 | 980kb | 02 Jul 13 | 232 | ¤ Kapooka - KaPooka - Guide blobby to the maze exit. | | gam/puz | 1.2 | 11Mb | 20 Jul 15 | 81 | ¤ Kartofel - Connect the dots without crossing lines. |
klix.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 2.4 | 2Mb | 23 Jun 12 | 129 | ¤ Klix - Klix - a small thinking game like sokoban |
lazsokoban.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.0 | 2Mb | 06 Dec 22 | 45 | ¤ LazSokoban - Puzzle Game | | gam/puz | 3.0 | 4Mb | 30 Mar 21 | 69 | ¤ LettersFall 3 - OpenGL. Make words of falling letters (US English) | | gam/puz | 1.0.8 | 1Mb | 15 May 11 | 117 | ¤ Lmarbles - LMarbles - Atomix-like marble game. | | gam/puz | 1.0.5 | 1Mb | 04 Dec 18 | 62 | ¤ LPairs - SDL memory game - match tiles. | | gam/puz | 1.0.19 | 1Mb | 22 Jan 18 | 100 | ¤ LTris - A Tetris clone for up to 3 players. | | gam/puz | 09-23-03 | 771kb | 17 Jun 13 | 220 | ¤ Martian-memory - Martian-Memory - match the chips game. | | gam/puz | 1.0.0 | 2Mb | 16 Aug 17 | 77 | ¤ mindless - SDL "MasterMind" game with AI players. | | gam/puz | 2.0.2 | 1Mb | 12 Jul 22 | 34 | ¤ Mirror Magic II - A game like "Deflektor" or "Mindbender" |
multipuzzle-src-1.3.2.tar.bz2 | gam/puz | 1.3.2 | 23kb | 26 Jul 10 | 239 | ¤ Multipuzzle-src-1.3.2 - Source code for puzzle game | | gam/puz | 1.3.2 | 30kb | 12 Feb 06 | 268 | ¤ Multipuzzle - Sort the bricks with any motive | | gam/puz | 0.7 | 318kb | 06 Nov 13 | 249 | ¤ nPush - nCurses ascii block pushing game. | | gam/puz | 7.1 | 11Mb | 13 Nov 22 | 89 | ¤ OpenSupaplex - Clone of DOS maze game. Collect infotrons. |
pengobrain_aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.1 | 4Mb | 28 Mar 13 | 104 | ¤ Pengobrain_aros - PengoBrain - a memory game for kids | | gam/puz | 0.6 | 223kb | 30 Jan 17 | 68 | ¤ CAVEZ of PHEAR - ASCII maze game. Get treasure. Avoid falling rocks | | gam/puz | 0.8.5 | 3Mb | 11 May 22 | 30 | ¤ Phlipple - OpenGL game. Flip all tiles to reach the last one. | | gam/puz | 0.7.6 | 15Mb | 20 Sep 23 | 14 | ¤ Pingus - Lead Pingus to the correct exit path on each level | | gam/puz | 0.1.3 | 239kb | 28 Dec 14 | 112 | ¤ Pipepanic - Connect the pipes. | | gam/puz | 0.9.4 | 1Mb | 05 Dec 21 | 56 | ¤ PipeWalker - OpenGL pipe connecting game. |
pushover.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 0.0.4 | 33Mb | 13 Mar 13 | 134 | ¤ Pushover - Puzzle game with dominoes |
pushover.src.tgz | gam/puz | 0.0.4 | 543kb | 13 Mar 13 | 109 | ¤ Pushover - Pushover sources |
puzzletiles_aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.0 | 3Mb | 28 Dec 24 | 21 | ¤ PuzzleTiles - Puzzle game working on any user's picture | | gam/puz | .05 | 2Mb | 06 May 11 | 111 | ¤ Quadromania - Quadromania - change all the stones to red. | | gam/puz | 0.9.5 | 7Mb | 21 Mar 16 | 433 | ¤ Rebound - Brick busting puzzle game. | | gam/puz | 0.4.2 | 4Mb | 19 Jun 17 | 84 | ¤ Rezerwar - Connect falling pipes. |
ri-li.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 2.0.1 | 20Mb | 06 Oct 15 | 101 | ¤ Re-Li - Ri-li version 2.0.1 | | gam/puz | | 3Mb | 25 Sep 09 | 148 | ¤ Rocksndiamonds - Boulder Dash / Emerald Mine | | gam/puz | 1.05 | 14Mb | 05 Mar 15 | 92 | ¤ RotateGear - Rotate maze to get all the treats. |
rubix.i386.lha | gam/puz | 0.1 | 112kb | 24 Nov 05 | 261 | ¤ Rubix - Port of rubix, a rubik's cube game (w/src) | | gam/puz | 0.3.2 | 2Mb | 07 Oct 13 | 130 | ¤ SDL-Gweled - Bejeweled clone. | | gam/puz | 1.0.0 | 123kb | 17 Aug 18 | 73 | ¤ sets - An implementation of the sets game. |
soko4mui.i386-aros.lha | gam/puz | 1.2 | 10Mb | 20 Oct 14 | 225 | ¤ Soko4MUI - Thinking game with MUI Interface | | gam/puz | 1.1 | 4Mb | 08 Aug 13 | 237 | ¤ Sporktris - Sporktris - Tetris clone. | | gam/puz | 1.0 | 1Mb | 20 Jun 18 | 76 | ¤ Sqrxz 4 - sequel of sqrxz 3 | | gam/puz | 2.0.1 | 480kb | 02 Sep 13 | 132 | ¤ syaSokoban - Still Yet Another Sokoban clone - lotza levels. | | gam/puz | 1.02 | 1Mb | 23 Jul 08 | 177 | ¤ Syasokoban_aros_i386 - A Sokoban Clone with quite decent gfx | | gam/puz | 3.0LE | 7Mb | 26 Mar 21 | 42 | ¤ TetriAttack 3 - OpenGL game. Swap blocks to match 3 or more. |
taquin.i386-aros.tar.gz | gam/puz | 1.0 | 268kb | 15 May 10 | 117 | ¤ Taquin.i386-aros - AROS+Win32 port of the very small SDL game Taquin | | gam/puz | 4.0 | 53Mb | 28 Jun 22 | 38 | ¤ TetriCrisis 4 - Solo OpenGL tetris game with AI players. | | gam/puz | 0.93.1 | 3Mb | 19 Mar 23 | 24 | ¤ TecnoballZ - brick breaking game. | | gam/puz | 1.3.0 | 1Mb | 24 Oct 14 | 233 | ¤ TileWorld - Tileworld is a clone of Chip's Challenge |
tinytetrissdl13.i386-aros.tar.gz | gam/puz | 1.3 | 539kb | 17 May 10 | 122 | ¤ Tinytetrissdl13.i386-aros - Tiny SDL Tetris clone (bin+src) | | gam/puz | 2011 | 7Mb | 26 Jan 15 | 101 | ¤ Titrus - Tetris-like game. | | gam/puz | 1.3.0 | 249kb | 13 May 11 | 129 | ¤ Trimines - Trimines - Minesweeper game. | | gam/puz | 1.1.0 | 3Mb | 06 Nov 13 | 243 | ¤ Twin Distress - Match all the color blocks before time runs out. | | gam/puz | 1.1 | 1Mb | 04 May 11 | 103 | ¤ Vodovod - Vodovod - connect the pipes game. | | gam/puz | 1.1.0 | 252kb | 27 Aug 13 | 232 | ¤ Wakkabox - Difficult Klotski sliding block puzzle. | | gam/puz | 3.2 | 231kb | 20 Nov 18 | 64 | ¤ wanderer - At last, a Wanderer u may like ;-) Ascii maze game | | gam/puz | 1.0-8 | 2Mb | 15 Oct 13 | 228 | ¤ Xlogical - based on the Amiga game Logical! by Rainbow Arts. | | gam/puz | 0.0.8 | 776kb | 18 Nov 14 | 203 | ¤ XorGramana - Block pushing maze game. | | gam/puz | 1.22 | 1012kb | 11 Jan 07 | 220 | ¤ Xpired - Action-puzzle game X-pired | | gam/puz | 1.22 | 501kb | 11 Jan 07 | 165 | ¤ Xpired - xpired source with metamake | | gam/puz | 1.0 | 1Mb | 09 May 23 | 24 | ¤ Xump - multi-platform puzzler by Retroguru | | gam/puz | 0.12.2 | 3Mb | 19 Aug 15 | 87 | ¤ Xye - Gem collecting puzzles based on Kye. |
adrian_3d.i386-aros.lha | gam/rol | 1 | 6Mb | 08 Oct 16 | 106 | ¤ Adrian 3D - Adrian is a simple 3D role playing strategy game | | gam/rol | 3.3.2 | 3Mb | 27 Feb 21 | 68 | ¤ Angband - SDL version of classic role playing game. | | gam/rol | | 6Mb | 31 Oct 10 | 194 | ¤ Becher_rescue - A Golden Axe clone in OpenGL. | | gam/rol | 1.0 | 2Mb | 09 Aug 24 | 152 | ¤ The Chaotic Dungeon - A roguelite dungeon crawler. |
csbwin.i386-aros.lha | gam/rol | 1.0 | 1Mb | 26 Sep 16 | 111 | ¤ CSBwin - Engine to Play Dungeon Master/Chaos Strikes Back |
fanwor.i386-aros.lha | gam/rol | 1.15 | 644kb | 29 Mar 21 | 67 | ¤ Fanwor - Zelda clone (SDL) | | gam/rol | 0.18 | 141Mb | 11 May 13 | 146 | ¤ Flare_0_18_i386-aros - Flare - 2D action rpg game |
flare_0_18_i386-aros_src.tar.gz | gam/rol | 0.17.1 | 210kb | 11 May 13 | 81 | ¤ Flare_0_18_i386-aros_src - Flare 0.18 AROS Sources | | gam/rol | 108.4 | 31Mb | 10 Apr 23 | 26 | ¤ FreeDink - An engine for the top-down RPG Dink Smallwood. |
frotz.i386-aros.tar.bz2 | gam/rol | 2.41 | 359kb | 05 Nov 06 | 189 | ¤ Frotz.i386-aros - Infocom game interpreter | | gam/rol | 0.8.8-0 | 27Mb | 03 Oct 24 | 18 | ¤ GemRB - i386 | | gam/rol | 0.8.8-0 | 30Mb | 03 Oct 24 | 22 | ¤ GemRB - x86_64-abiv11 |
glulxe.i386-aros.tar.bz2 | gam/rol | 0.3.5 | 225kb | 05 Nov 06 | 167 | ¤ Glulxe.i386-aros - Interpreter for the Glulx VM | | gam/rol | C | 9Mb | 26 Nov 20 | 53 | ¤ The Griffon Legend - RPG style game of the SNES/GENESIS era. | | gam/rol | 0.7.1 | 8Mb | 19 Oct 15 | 107 | ¤ Nazghul - Old-school RPG engine, with the game world Haxima. | | gam/rol | 20080831 | 2Mb | 16 Sep 08 | 202 | ¤ Nethack - Nethack - dungeon exploration game | | gam/rol | 118 | 3Mb | 26 Mar 21 | 39 | ¤ POWDER - Graphical RPG with tutorial and several Tilesets. | | gam/rol | 1.6.3 | 322kb | 29 Aug 16 | 95 | ¤ ULarn - Port of the Amiga version of this old RPG classic. |
ztools.i386-aros.tar.bz2 | gam/rol | 73.1 | 286kb | 05 Nov 06 | 186 | ¤ Ztools.i386-aros - Tools for Infocom games |
netstratego.i386-aros.lha | gam/ser | 1.1 | 3Mb | 17 Nov 23 | 27 | ¤ NetStratego - Network Stratego game | | gam/spo | 1.0 | 2Mb | 12 Aug 16 | 114 | ¤ Another Pool GL - OpenGL pool game updated to v1.0 | | gam/spo | 1.70 | 911kb | 31 Oct 10 | 162 | ¤ Billardgl - Billard | | gam/spo | 0.35 | 10Mb | 13 Apr 20 | 55 | ¤ Extreme TuxRacer - OpenGL 3D arctic racing, help Tux get herring. | | gam/spo | 3.0a | 1Mb | 20 Sep 09 | 249 | ¤ Foobillard - OpenGL Billard Game | | gam/spo | 2003 | 138kb | 20 Nov 21 | 33 | ¤ Football Manager - Relive the Sinclair Speccy football days. |
soulride.i386-aros.lha | gam/spo | final | 15Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 71 | ¤ soulride - soulraide opensource snowboard sport | | gam/spo | 0.7.0 | 1Mb | 04 Aug 17 | 98 | ¤ Tennix - Simple top-down tennis match. |
tuxfootball.i386-aros.lha | gam/spo | 1 | 20Mb | 08 Oct 16 | 109 | ¤ Tux Football 2D - Tux Football is a great 2D soccer.. | | gam/spo | 0.8.2 | 740kb | 01 Oct 15 | 146 | ¤ TuxPuck - Play shufflepuck with Tux or Arcana. |
aleonatales.i386-aros.lha | gam/str | 2.2.7r2 | 37Mb | 23 Apr 18 | 110 | ¤ Aleona's Tales - real time strategy game fantasy |
boswars.i386-aros.lha | gam/str | 2.6.1 | 63Mb | 23 Apr 18 | 91 | ¤ boswars - real time strategy game in the future | | gam/str | 0.5.3-2 | 3Mb | 07 Sep 09 | 314 | ¤ Crimson - Tactical war game | | gam/str | 1.0 | 1Mb | 06 Jan 21 | 52 | ¤ DoSSiZola - Quick game to trap your opponent. |
fheroes2.i386-aros.lha | gam/str | r2860 | 6Mb | 14 Sep 12 | 318 | ¤ Fheroes2 - Free Heroes 2 |
fheroes2.src-aros.lha | gam/str | r2860 | 3Mb | 14 Sep 12 | 160 | ¤ Fheroes2 - Free Heroes 2 sources | | gam/str | 2.3.2 | 46Mb | 27 Dec 18 | 84 | ¤ Freeciv - Opensource game inspired to civilization 2 |
freedroid-rpg.i386-aros.lha | gam/str | 0.15.1 | 1Mb | 08 Jul 19 | 77 | ¤ FreeDroidRPG - RPG Games |
freedroidrpg-data-0.15.1.tar.gz | gam/str | 0.15.1 | 200Mb | 26 Nov 19 | 45 | ¤ freedroidrpg-data - data files for freedroidrpg |
freesynd.i386-aros.lha | gam/str | 0.6 | 5Mb | 23 Nov 12 | 208 | ¤ Freesynd - FreeSynd, a GPL Syndicate reimplementation |
freesynd.src-aros.tgz | gam/str | 0.6 | 2Mb | 23 Nov 12 | 103 | ¤ Freesynd - FreeSynd sources |
gigalomania.i386-aros.lha | gam/str | 1.0 | 23Mb | 15 Jan 18 | 219 | ¤ Gigalomania - RTS Mega-Lo-Mania-like god game | | gam/str | 1.0 | 26Mb | 15 Jan 18 | 173 | ¤ gigalomaniasrc - Gigalomania Source | | gam/str | 3.1 | 1Mb | 17 Jun 12 | 129 | ¤ Imbiss - Imbiss - buy and sell hamburgers | | gam/str | 0 | 4Mb | 30 Oct 24 | 109 | ¤ koala_seasons - game compiled using raylib.. | | gam/str | 3.5.2 | 5Mb | 20 Aug 11 | 258 | ¤ Megaglest-3.5.2 - MegaGlest game |
megaglest-3.5.2.src-aros.tar.gz | gam/str | 3.5.2 | 2Mb | 20 Aug 11 | 108 | ¤ Megaglest-3.5.2.src-aros - MegaGlest game source codes |
megaglest_data.tgz | gam/str | | 179Mb | 01 Dec 19 | 47 | ¤ megaglest_data - data file for megaglest game | | gam/str | 0.3.1 | 971kb | 05 Jan 16 | 98 | ¤ Qonk - Quick space strategy game to conquer planets. |
text-elite.i386-aros.tar.bz2 | gam/str | 1.1 | 112kb | 05 Nov 06 | 237 | ¤ Text-elite.i386-aros - Text version of space trading game E |
ufoai-2.3.1-data.tar | gam/str | 2.3.1 | 508Mb | 03 Feb 20 | 48 | ¤ UFOAI-Data - ufoai data files | | gam/str | 2.3.1 | 8Mb | 26 Jul 11 | 230 | ¤ Ufoai-2.3.1 - UFO:AI game |
ufoai-2.3.1.src-aros.tar.gz | gam/str | 2.3.1 | 12Mb | 26 Jul 11 | 98 | ¤ Ufoai-2.3.1.src-aros - UFO:AI game source codes |
warzone2100.i386-aros.lha | gam/str | | 17Mb | 30 Apr 18 | 121 | ¤ warzone2100 - 3D strategy game in the future |
zod.i386-aros.lha | gam/str | | 44Mb | 25 Apr 18 | 107 | ¤ Zod - Zeta Games |
cardsmakingkit.lha | gam/uti | 2.10 | 3Mb | 28 Aug 24 | 64 | ¤ Cards Making Kit - This is a SDK to make your decks for Morgue Games |
qstat.i386-aros.lha | gam/uti | 2.11 | 288kb | 08 Sep 12 | 117 | ¤ Qstat - qstat - Get statistics from on-line game servers |
qstat.src-aros.lha | gam/uti | 2.11 | 519kb | 08 Sep 12 | 168 | ¤ Qstat - qstat sources | | gam/uti | 1.0 | 34Mb | 31 Aug 09 | 243 | ¤ Screenshots - WHD_MENU screenshot pack | | gam/uti | 1.1 | 1Mb | 08 May 19 | 105 | ¤ WHD MENU - Managing and launching WHDLoad Games |