Dls |
Bytes |
File |
Category |
Version |
Size |
Date |
Readme |
68 |
10Gb |
aspireos_v.2.22.rar |
dev/mis |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12 |
15Mb |
sqrxz4.i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
1.0 |
1Mb |
08 Jul 19 |
¤ Chapter four of Sqrxz Saga |
11 |
317Mb |
aspireosupdate.lha |
dev/mis |
1.1 |
29Mb |
29 Dec 18 |
¤ Update to AspireOS codename "Obitus" |
10 |
13Mb |
freedroid-rpg.i386-aros.lha |
gam/str |
0.15.1 |
1Mb |
08 Jul 19 |
¤ RPG Games |
9 |
7Mb |
dessert-stroke.i386-aros.zip |
gam |
835kb |
05 Mar 15 |
¤ 3d dessert-strike clone |
7 |
12Mb |
cavestory.i386-aros.lha |
gam/pla | |
2Mb |
07 Dec 12 |
¤ Cave Story (NXEngine) |
6 |
102kb |
protrekkr_guide.pdf |
doc/tut |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6 |
49Mb |
supertux.lha |
gam/pla |
0.1.3 |
8Mb |
30 Sep 10 |
¤ SDL platform jump 'n run like Giana Sisters/Mario |
6 |
29Mb |
bnp.i386-aros.zip |
aud |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
210kb |
retrofunk_extra_icons.lha |
gra/ico |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
2Mb |
saga.i386-aros.zip |
gam/boa |
1.94 |
405kb |
20 Aug 21 |
¤ Conversion of TSR board game |
5 |
137kb |
retrofunk_icon_bis.lha |
gra/ico |
1.1 |
27kb |
05 Jul 19 |
¤ retrofunk icon addons |
4 |
125Mb |
amigang-1941-extreme-huno-tito.lha |
gam/act |
1.0b |
31Mb |
21 Sep 10 |
¤ 1941 Extreme deluxe by HunoPPC - Aros port by tito |
4 |
23Mb |
hurrican.i386-aros.zip |
gam/act |
6Mb |
03 Jun 12 |
¤ Game inspired by Turrican |
4 |
157Mb |
hurrican-data.zip |
gam/act |
39Mb |
03 Jun 12 |
¤ Game data files for Hurrican |
4 |
171kb |
zxscr_datatype.i386-aros.lha |
dat/ima |
1.3 |
43kb |
31 Jan 19 |
¤ ZX Spectrum screen DataType |
4 |
22kb |
leu_icon.lha |
gra/ico |
1 |
6kb |
05 Jul 19 |
¤ Leu Spreadsheet Program From AlB42 New Icon |
4 |
70Mb |
zelda-nsq.i386-aros.zip |
gam/adv |
2014 |
17Mb |
09 Oct 17 |
¤ Fan made SDL game in Zelda style series. |
4 |
2Mb |
snapit.i386-aros.lha |
uti/mis |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
24kb |
txt2pdf-icons.lha |
gra/ico |
1.1 |
6kb |
29 Apr 19 |
¤ New Drawer and Program Icons |
4 |
457kb |
soliton.rar |
gam |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
35Mb |
leu0.07.lha |
off/spr |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
46Mb |
quake_shareware.lha |
gam/fps |
1 |
12Mb |
29 Jun 19 |
¤ Quake shareware file fro id software |
3 |
2Mb |
quickrecord.i386-aros.zip |
aud/rec |
1.2 |
633kb |
18 Dec 18 |
¤ A little but pwerfull tools for recording audio |
3 |
376Mb |
warmux.i386-aros.lha |
gam/pla |
11.04 |
125Mb |
25 Apr 18 |
¤ Worms Clone |
3 |
2Mb |
aros_install_manual_version_0.25a.pdf |
doc/man |
0.2a |
823kb |
28 Feb 08 |
¤ AROS Install Manual |
3 |
22Mb |
gianas-return-v.latest.i386-aros.lha |
gam/pla |
1.10 |
7Mb |
20 Jun 18 |
¤ a platform game like Mario |
3 |
2Mb |
sqrxz2-v.latest.i386-aros.lha |
gam/pla |
1.0 |
809kb |
20 Jun 18 |
¤ sequel of sqrxz remake |
3 |
104Mb |
finalfightse.i386-aros.lha |
gam/act |
2018 |
35Mb |
08 Aug 18 |
¤ openbor game final fight remake 2018 |
3 |
66Mb |
odyssey-1.25-11.i386-aros.zip |
net/bro |
1.25-11 |
22Mb |
23 Feb 17 |
¤ web browser |
3 |
3Mb |
openbor.i386-aros.lha |
gam/act |
SVN3742 |
994kb |
12 Dec 12 |
¤ OpenBOR - Beats of Rage engine |
3 |
106Mb |
lariad-i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
1.0.3 |
35Mb |
15 Jan 18 |
¤ OpenGL jump and shoot platformer. |
3 |
412kb |
minipicolisp.i386-aros.lha |
dev/lan |
137kb |
05 Apr 17 |
¤ A minimal version of PicoLisp |
3 |
7Mb |
aquaria_aros.i386.lha |
gam/pla |
2Mb |
26 Oct 10 |
¤ Aquaria, underwater game |
3 |
3Mb |
fruity-v.latest.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.00 |
958kb |
20 Jun 18 |
¤ a puzzle game like candycrisis |
3 |
4Mb |
ltris.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.0.19 |
1Mb |
22 Jan 18 |
¤ A Tetris clone for up to 3 players. |
3 |
836kb |
nicky-0.1.5-data.zip |
gam/pla |
0.1.5 |
279kb |
26 Aug 08 |
¤ NickyBoum-data |
3 |
893kb |
nano-2.2.6.i386-aros.tar.bz2 |
uti/tex/edi |
2.2.6 |
298kb |
04 Sep 11 |
¤ nano-2.2.6.i386-aros.tar.bz2 |
3 |
29Mb |
bombic.i386-aros.zip |
gam |
0.1 |
10Mb |
05 Mar 15 |
¤ Bomberman clone.. |
3 |
2Mb |
lamearos-3.100.i386-aros.lha |
aud/mis |
3.100 |
570kb |
17 May 18 |
¤ Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder |
3 |
6Mb |
crono.i386-aros.lha |
gra/mis |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
4Mb |
fpcmines.i386-aros.lha |
gam/puz |
1.1 |
2Mb |
06 Jan 19 |
¤ Minesweeper close for AROS |
2 |
53kb |
sudoku-1.0.i386-aros.lha |
gam/boa |
1.0 |
26kb |
14 Sep 11 |
¤ Sudoku-mui |
2 |
31Mb |
owb-r1097-ppc.zip |
net/bro |
r1097 |
16Mb |
09 Jan 11 |
¤ OWB for powerpc |
2 |
227kb |
blackpearl.zip |
gra/the |
0.0.1 |
114kb |
12 Oct 12 |
¤ Black Pearl Theme - An Aros Theme |
2 |
606kb |
curl.i386-aros.lha |
dev/lib |
7.28.1 |
303kb |
08 Jan 13 |
¤ cURL library |
2 |
16Mb |
retrofunk_aros_iconpack_v1.zip |
gra/ico |
1 |
8Mb |
25 Jun 12 |
¤ Retrofunk AROS Iconpack |
2 |
949kb |
slotmachinewarmup.i386-aros.lha |
gam/mis |
1.10 |
475kb |
09 May 19 |
¤ A new slot machine |
2 |
254kb |
im-puzzle.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.0.1 |
127kb |
08 Aug 18 |
¤ Combine shapes to fill blocks. |
2 |
18Mb |
sqlman.i386-aros.lha |
off/dat |
0.6 |
12Mb |
17 Feb 25 |
¤ SQLite Database Manager |
2 |
430kb |
digger.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
20000407 |
215kb |
03 Mar 19 |
¤ Remake of the PC game Digger (Windmill-1983) |
2 |
4Mb |
binshifter10.i386-aros.lha |
gam/puz |
1.0 |
2Mb |
06 Jan 19 |
¤ A 2048-game clone |
2 |
504kb |
qlview.i386-aros.lha |
gra/vie |
25.09 |
252kb |
06 Apr 10 |
¤ Sinclair QL Screen viewer |
2 |
20Mb |
allegrosdk_1.1_source.zip |
lib |
1.1 |
10Mb |
31 Jan 13 |
¤ AllegroSDK_1.1_Source |
2 |
14Mb |
frontier-eliteii-gl.i386-aros.lha |
gam |
3.2 |
7Mb |
01 Sep 16 |
¤ Frontier Elite II - GL Version |
2 |
2Mb |
xgalaga.i386-aros.zip |
gam/act | |
1Mb |
29 Mar 12 |
¤ XGalaga - Galaga clone. |
2 |
37Mb |
gilbert.i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
1.2 |
18Mb |
15 Jan 18 |
¤ SDL platform game. Collect all keys. |
2 |
29kb |
nrg2iso.i386-aros.lha |
uti/mis |
0.4 |
14kb |
07 Jun 12 |
¤ Convert nrg image files to iso image files |
2 |
5Mb |
yquake2.i386-aros.lha |
gam/fps |
4.90 |
2Mb |
07 Dec 12 |
¤ Yamagi Quake II for AROS |
2 |
4Mb |
aros_user_manual_version_0.56a.pdf |
doc/man |
0.56A |
2Mb |
04 Mar 08 |
¤ AROS User Manual |
2 |
18kb |
rno_effect_iconsv2.lha |
gra/ico |
2 |
9kb |
11 Jun 19 |
¤ ken's style icons for RNO_Effect |
2 |
1Mb |
zupaplayer-0_2.i386-aros.lha |
aud/pla |
0.2 |
714kb |
03 Jan 19 |
¤ Mod player with mikmod player routines |
2 |
946kb |
pattern-aroslogo.zip |
gra/the |
473kb |
01 May 07 |
¤ Basic AROS logo patterns |
2 |
143kb |
cbmbasic.lha |
dev/lan |
71kb |
09 Jun 12 |
¤ Commodore BASIC V2 as a scripting language |
2 |
4Mb |
hydracastle.i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
1/2019 |
2Mb |
26 Jan 19 |
¤ SDL platform game. |
2 |
839kb |
milkytutorial.zip |
aud/tra |
2008-05-05 |
419kb |
08 Aug 18 |
¤ Basic Tuttorial for milky tracker 0.90.80 |
2 |
1Mb |
aros_shell_manual_0.82.pdf |
doc/man |
0.82 |
581kb |
11 Mar 14 |
2 |
310kb |
bwb111.zip |
dev/lan |
1.11 |
155kb |
18 Sep 08 |
¤ Bywater BASIC (Simple basic interpreter) |
2 |
300kb |
amiga_gcc_build_rus.pdf |
doc/dev |
0.2 |
150kb |
05 Mar 13 |
¤ Build Amiga GCC Cross Compiler for Lin/Win [rus] |
2 |
2Mb |
aros_install_manual_version_0.40a.pdf |
doc/man |
0.40a |
830kb |
06 Aug 08 |
¤ AROS Install Manual |
2 |
913kb |
lunapaint.i386-aros.zip |
gra/edi |
0.6.0 |
756kb |
15 Feb 23 |
¤ Updated Lunapaint with better datatypes support |
2 |
2Mb |
aros_hd_install_english.pdf |
doc/man |
1008kb |
23 Aug 06 |
¤ Aros HD Installation Manual (English) |
2 |
46Mb |
gigalomania.i386-aros.lha |
gam/str |
1.0 |
23Mb |
15 Jan 18 |
¤ RTS Mega-Lo-Mania-like god game |
2 |
2Mb |
aros_hd_installation.pdf |
doc/man |
1.0 |
876kb |
23 Aug 06 |
¤ Aros HD Installation Manual [German] |
2 |
1Mb |
cavestory.src-aros.tgz |
gam/pla | |
595kb |
07 Dec 12 |
¤ NXEngine sources |
2 |
241kb |
amiga_gcc_build_eng.pdf |
doc/dev |
0.2eng |
121kb |
05 Mar 13 |
¤ Build Amiga GCC Cross Compiler for Lin/Win [eng] |
2 |
153kb |
retrofunk_aros_theme_v1.zip |
gra/the |
v1 |
76kb |
25 Jun 12 |
¤ Retrofunk AROS Theme |
2 |
25kb |
activatewin.i386-aros.tar.gz |
uti/she |
41.12 |
13kb |
20 Nov 14 |
¤ Gives Shell some Intuition's handling on windows |
2 |
8kb |
zunepaint_drawer-icons.lha |
gra/ico |
1 |
4kb |
29 Apr 19 |
¤ New Drawer icons |
2 |
3Mb |
oricutron_v12.i386-aros.lha |
emu/com |
1.2 |
2Mb |
10 Nov 14 |
¤ Oric-1/Atmos/Telestrat/Pravetz 8D emulator |
2 |
74Mb |
aleonatales.i386-aros.lha |
gam/str |
2.2.7r2 |
37Mb |
23 Apr 18 |
¤ real time strategy game fantasy |
2 |
21kb |
murks-pictures-straightedge.zip |
dev/ide |
10kb |
11 Jul 07 |
¤ Murks! pictures: StraightEdge |
2 |
33Mb |
warzone2100.i386-aros.lha |
gam/str |
17Mb |
30 Apr 18 |
¤ 3D strategy game in the future |
2 |
12Mb |
candycrisis.i386-aros.lha |
gam/puz |
12/12/2012 |
6Mb |
14 Dec 12 |
¤ Candy Crisis |
2 |
6Mb |
easyrpg.i386-aros.lha |
gam/adv | |
4Mb |
19 Jun 23 |
¤ play games created with RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 |
2 |
6Mb |
zolb.i386-aros.zip |
gam/adv |
2009 |
3Mb |
27 Mar 19 |
¤ Fan made Zelda style SDL game. |
2 |
87Mb |
zod.i386-aros.lha |
gam/str |
44Mb |
25 Apr 18 |
¤ Zeta Games |
2 |
106Mb |
assaultcube1202.i386-aros.lha |
gam/fps | |
53Mb |
09 May 18 |
¤ AssaultCube 3D game FPS |
2 |
136Mb |
assaultcubereloaded263.i386-aros.lha |
gam/fps |
2.6.2 |
68Mb |
03 May 18 |
¤ first person shooter |
2 |
15Mb |
ufoai-2.3.1.i386-aros.zip |
gam/str |
2.3.1 |
8Mb |
26 Jul 11 |
¤ UFO:AI game |
2 |
126Mb |
boswars.i386-aros.lha |
gam/str |
2.6.1 |
63Mb |
23 Apr 18 |
¤ real time strategy game in the future |
2 |
61kb |
multipuzzle.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.3.2 |
30kb |
12 Feb 06 |
¤ Sort the bricks with any motive |
2 |
967kb |
sdllopan-10.i386-aros.zip |
gam/boa |
1.0 |
484kb |
16 Sep 08 |
¤ Lopan - MahJong clone |
2 |
10kb |
ico2bmp.i386-aros.zip |
gra/con |
5kb |
05 Jan 10 |
¤ Extracts BMP files from ICO files |
2 |
1009kb |
ballfield-1.0.i386-aros.zip |
dem/mis |
1.0 |
504kb |
26 Aug 08 |
¤ Ballfield 1.0 SDL demo |
2 |
8Mb |
adoom3-b0.i386-aros.zip |
gam/fps |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
250kb |
sploiner.i386-aros.zip |
uti/fil |
1.01 |
125kb |
20 Jun 19 |
¤ split, join and recover files + AROS build |
2 |
8Mb |
rrootage.i386-aros.zip |
gam/act |
0.24 |
4Mb |
16 Jun 19 |
¤ Abstract OpenGL shooter. Four gameplay modes! |
2 |
63Mb |
gcc-4.2.2.i386-aros.zip |
dev/lan |
4.2.2-1 |
32Mb |
26 Aug 08 |
¤ gcc/g++ 4.2.2 i386 aros |
2 |
580kb |
africa.i386-aros.zip |
gam/boa |
1.56 |
299kb |
21 Sep 21 |
¤ Conversion of 3W board game |
2 |
367kb |
dosbox_manual.pdf |
doc/tut |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
1Mb |
ami-ingenious.i386-aros.zip |
gam/boa |
1.01 |
522kb |
30 Sep 12 |
¤ Great strategy game with easy to learn rules! |
2 |
9Mb |
zelda3t.i386-aros.zip |
gam/adv |
2010 |
5Mb |
08 Sep 17 |
¤ Part of an independant SDL Zelda style series. |
2 |
2Mb |
sqrxz3-v.latest.i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
1.5r |
925kb |
20 Jun 18 |
¤ sequel of sqrxz 2 |
2 |
36kb |
pcx_datatype.i386-aros.lha |
dat/ima |
0.3 |
18kb |
16 Feb 19 |
¤ PCX (.pcx) picture datatype |
2 |
3Mb |
sqrxz-v0996a.i386-aros.lha |
gam/pla |
0.996a |
1Mb |
20 Jun 18 |
¤ a platform game like Mario |
2 |
36Mb |
krystaldrop.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
0.7.2 |
18Mb |
08 Feb 19 |
¤ GPL-clone of NeoGeo's 'Magical Drop'. |
2 |
3Mb |
foobillard.i386-aros.zip |
gam/spo |
3.0a |
1Mb |
20 Sep 09 |
¤ OpenGL Billard Game |
2 |
87Mb |
beret.zip |
gam/pla |
1.1 |
44Mb |
11 Nov 11 |
¤ Beret is a 2D puzzle-platformer game about a scien |
2 |
11Mb |
megaglest-3.5.2.i386-aros.zip |
gam/str |
3.5.2 |
5Mb |
20 Aug 11 |
¤ MegaGlest game |
2 |
266Mb |
naev.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
0.4.2 |
133Mb |
20 Nov 17 |
¤ OpenGL top-down space trading and combat game. |
2 |
2Mb |
xump-v.latest.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
281Mb |
fishfillets.i386-aros.tar.gz |
gam/puz |
1.0.1 |
141Mb |
20 Nov 17 |
¤ Two fish must cooperate to escape underwater mazes |
2 |
2Mb |
hermes-v.latest.i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
1.02 |
1Mb |
20 Jun 18 |
¤ a platform game like Mario |
1 |
20Mb |
tuxfootball.i386-aros.lha |
gam/spo |
1 |
20Mb |
08 Oct 16 |
¤ Tux Football is a great 2D soccer.. |
1 |
10kb |
asciitable.i386-aros.zip |
uti/mis |
1.1 |
10kb |
21 Apr 08 |
¤ print the ascii-table in different modes |
1 |
33Mb |
shmupacabra.i386-aros.zip |
gam/act |
1.00 |
33Mb |
26 May 19 |
¤ OpenGL side-scrolling space shooter. (3 missions) |
1 |
7Mb |
retrobattle.i386-aros.lha |
gam/pla |
1.0.0 |
7Mb |
05 Oct 12 |
¤ Retrobattle |
1 |
329kb |
sdlscav.i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
145.18 |
329kb |
17 Apr 06 |
¤ SDL Scavenger A Lode Runner like game |
1 |
2Mb |
amigg_beta.lha |
net |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
7Mb |
powermanga.i386-aros.zip |
gam/act |
0.93.1 |
7Mb |
20 May 19 |
¤ Vertical shoot-em-up scroller. |
1 |
17Mb |
etlegacy.i386-aros.lha |
gam/fps |
2.71rc3 |
17Mb |
06 Nov 13 |
¤ Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: Legacy |
1 |
249kb |
trimines.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.3.0 |
249kb |
13 May 11 |
¤ Trimines - Minesweeper game. |
1 |
214kb |
greed.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
4.2 |
214kb |
18 Aug 17 |
¤ Simple game to clear an ascii field of numbers. |
1 |
43kb |
thememanager.zip |
gra/the |
0.8 |
43kb |
26 Apr 07 |
¤ Theme manager for AROS |
1 |
42kb |
black_icemkii.zip |
gra/the |
42kb |
29 Nov 09 |
¤ Black Ice MKII | a windecor for aros |
1 |
9kb |
amigakeyremap.i386-aros.rar |
uti/mis |
1.1 |
9kb |
14 Aug 10 |
¤ Simple program that swaps left/right amiga keys |
1 |
932kb |
arosrs.zip |
gam/pla |
0.1.9 |
932kb |
05 Mar 11 |
¤ Reminiscence - Flashback |
1 |
811kb |
tiff_amiga.lha |
dev/lib |
1.2 |
808kb |
22 May 23 |
¤ Library Plugin For Hollywood Applications |
1 |
9Mb |
tomatoes.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
1.55 |
9Mb |
15 Jan 18 |
¤ 10 mazes. 10 minutes. Bomb all tomatoes. (OpenGL) |
1 |
27kb |
murks-pictures-straightgradients.zip |
dev/ide |
27kb |
11 Jul 07 |
¤ Murks! pictures: StraightGradients |
1 |
728kb |
vor.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
0.5.5 |
728kb |
30 Apr 15 |
¤ Dodge space rocks until you die. |
1 |
3Mb |
lander.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
0.6.5 |
3Mb |
13 Sep 17 |
¤ OpenGL Lunar Lander clone. |
1 |
3Mb |
bubbletrain.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
2004 |
3Mb |
09 Jan 17 |
¤ Bubble shooter. |
1 |
1Mb |
gemdrop.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
0.9 |
1Mb |
12 Apr 16 |
¤ Based on Atari 8-bit game "Gem Drop" |
1 |
94kb |
xp.zip |
gra/the |
94kb |
18 Aug 07 |
¤ XP Default Theme |
1 |
46Mb |
freeciv-2.3.2.i386-aros.zip |
gam/str |
2.3.2 |
46Mb |
27 Dec 18 |
¤ Opensource game inspired to civilization 2 |
1 |
1Mb |
tennix.i386-aros.zip |
gam/spo |
0.7.0 |
1Mb |
04 Aug 17 |
¤ Simple top-down tennis match. |
1 |
2Mb |
apoolgl.i386-aros.zip |
gam/spo |
1.0 |
2Mb |
12 Aug 16 |
¤ OpenGL pool game updated to v1.0 |
1 |
1Mb |
whd_menu.i386-aros.zip |
gam/uti |
1.1 |
1Mb |
08 May 19 |
¤ Managing and launching WHDLoad Games |
1 |
302kb |
pforth_v27.i386-aros.lha |
dev/lan |
27 |
302kb |
21 Oct 12 |
¤ Forth compiler written in ANSI C |
1 |
160kb |
displayinfo.lha |
uti/har |
1.2 |
160kb |
19 May 19 |
¤ Show info about available display modes |
1 |
299kb |
inform630.i386.tar.bz2 |
dev/lan |
6.30 |
299kb |
04 Sep 05 |
¤ Inform |
1 |
3Mb |
dopus5_91_i386-aros.lha |
uti/fil |
5.91 |
3Mb |
01 Sep 15 |
¤ Directory Opus 5 : legendary file manager and more |
1 |
526kb |
luxcc.i386-aros.lha |
dev/lan |
526kb |
05 Mar 18 |
¤ C compiler and toolchain. |
1 |
191kb |
gifsicle-1.91.i386-aros.lha |
gra/edi |
1.91 |
191kb |
17 May 18 |
¤ Tool for manipulating GIF images |
1 |
426kb |
pforth_v24.i386-aros.lha |
dev/lan |
v24 |
426kb |
01 Apr 12 |
¤ PForth Forth compiler |
1 |
74kb |
yafa_amiga.lha |
dev/lib |
1.2 |
69kb |
22 May 23 |
¤ Library Plugin For Hollywood Applications |
1 |
776kb |
xorgramana.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
0.0.8 |
776kb |
18 Nov 14 |
¤ Block pushing maze game. |
1 |
7kb |
zuplayer_iconsv2.lha |
gra/ico |
1 |
7kb |
11 Jun 19 |
¤ new icon and drawer |
1 |
8kb |
arospdf-icons.lha |
gra/ico |
1 |
8kb |
29 Apr 19 |
¤ New Drawer and Program Icons |
1 |
536kb |
candycrisis.src-aros.tgz |
gam/puz |
12/12/2012 |
536kb |
12 Dec 12 |
¤ Candy Crisis sources |
1 |
48kb |
exfatfs.i386-aros.lha |
dri/fil |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
33kb |
mod2wav.i386-aros.zip |
aud/mis |
20180209 |
33kb |
05 Mar 18 |
¤ i386 AROS build of mod2waw from aminet |
1 |
332kb |
aften.i386-aros.lha |
aud/mis |
0.0.8 |
332kb |
05 Jan 10 |
¤ A/52 (AC3) audio encoder |
1 |
215kb |
sfxr.i386-aros.zip |
aud/mis |
1.2.1 |
215kb |
24 Aug 15 |
¤ Generate sound effects. |
1 |
89kb |
demac.i386-aros.tar.bz2 |
aud/mis |
0.1 |
89kb |
02 Jan 12 |
¤ Decoder for .ape files |
1 |
584kb |
opus-tools-0.2.i386-aros.lha |
aud/mis |
0.2 |
584kb |
06 Nov 18 |
¤ opus audio tools |
1 |
10Mb |
vim_8.1.i386-aros.lha |
dev/edi |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
9kb |
updataros11.lha |
uti/wor |
1.1 |
9kb |
26 Aug 08 |
¤ Easy updater for AROS system |
1 |
185kb |
galaxis.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.9 |
185kb |
30 May 14 |
¤ Ascii logic game. Locate 4 missing spacecraft. |
1 |
204kb |
ntfs3g.i386-aros.lha |
dri/fil |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
1Mb |
skunks.i386-aros.zip |
gam/dri |
4.2.0 |
1Mb |
14 Apr 15 |
¤ Retro style 3d driving sim with physics. |
1 |
4Mb |
frontier-aros-i386.zip |
gam |
0.01 |
4Mb |
19 May 08 |
¤ Frontier Elite II |
1 |
575kb |
drac-klondike.i386-aros.zip |
gam/car |
1.0b |
575kb |
04 Aug 17 |
¤ Simple SDL solitaire game using drac library. |
1 |
2Mb |
soliton-2.2.i386-aros.tar |
gam/car |
2.2 |
2Mb |
01 Feb 19 |
¤ Klondike & Freecell card game. |
1 |
4Mb |
tressette.i386-aros.zip |
gam/car |
0.7.4 |
4Mb |
05 Jan 16 |
¤ Italian card game. |
1 |
1Mb |
gtktetris.lha |
gam/puz |
0.6.2 |
1Mb |
16 May 13 |
¤ A tetris clone for AROS with GTK-MUI interface |
1 |
42kb |
a1kstartup_remix.zip |
aud |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
590kb |
sox_aros.lha |
aud/mis |
12.17.3 |
590kb |
29 Sep 18 |
¤ Converts sound files. (build by serk118UK) |
1 |
7kb |
915resolution-i386-aros.zip |
uti/har |
1.1 |
7kb |
02 Nov 09 |
¤ grub2 module for intel graphics chips. |
1 |
2Mb |
lodepaint.i386-aros.zip |
gra/edi |
2Mb |
17 Jun 12 |
¤ LodePaint |
1 |
3Mb |
rnoeffects.i386-aros.lha |
gra/edi |
2.0 |
4Mb |
21 Jan 24 |
¤ Image processing program |
1 |
3kb |
yam_drawer.lha |
gra/ico |
2 |
3kb |
06 Nov 19 |
¤ ken's v4 drawer for yam |
1 |
1Mb |
anagramarama.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
0.2 |
1Mb |
02 May 11 |
¤ Anagramarama - Word game. |
1 |
10kb |
janus_icon.lha |
gra/ico |
1.4 |
10kb |
12 Jun 19 |
¤ boing amiga icon |
1 |
16kb |
spectrum2iff-i386.lha |
gra/con |
1.02 |
16kb |
14 Jul 10 |
¤ Converts ZX Spectrum screens to IFF-ILBM |
1 |
8Mb |
nazghul.i386-aros.zip |
gam/rol |
0.7.1 |
8Mb |
19 Oct 15 |
¤ Old-school RPG engine, with the game world Haxima. |
1 |
49kb |
avibuild.i386-aros.lha |
gra/edi |
1.2 |
49kb |
16 Jun 11 |
¤ Builds .avi files to one big .avi file |
1 |
307kb |
amigang-tetris1.lha |
gam/puz |
0.1b |
307kb |
16 Sep 10 |
¤ Amigang Tetris |
1 |
14kb |
mpeginfo.i386-aros.zip |
aud/mis |
1.1 |
14kb |
02 Oct 08 |
¤ Extracts info from MPEG files |
1 |
2Mb |
login_manager_v1.2.i386-aros.tgz |
uti/mis |
1.2 |
2Mb |
19 Mar 11 |
¤ Login Manager v1.2 |
1 |
2Mb |
nethack.i386.zip |
gam/rol |
20080831 |
2Mb |
16 Sep 08 |
¤ Nethack - dungeon exploration game |
1 |
239kb |
pipepanic.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
0.1.3 |
239kb |
28 Dec 14 |
¤ Connect the pipes. |
1 |
128kb |
rtl8169.tgz |
dri/net |
0.1 |
128kb |
21 Nov 09 |
¤ rtl8169 and co. devices driver |
1 |
86kb |
zunearc.i386-aros.zip |
uti/arc |
1.6 |
97kb |
09 Dec 23 |
¤ A Zune front end for Archivers |
1 |
12kb |
kitty_svg.zip |
gra/vec |
12kb |
08 Apr 07 |
¤ Kitty in SVG format |
1 |
504kb |
tb-303.i386-aros.lha |
aud/mis |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
1Mb |
bomns.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
0.99.2 |
1Mb |
26 Jan 19 |
¤ 1 keyboard, 2 players, it's the bomb, with an n. |
1 |
1Mb |
duke3dw.i386-aros.lha |
gam/fps |
4.2.2 |
1Mb |
07 Dec 12 |
¤ Duke3dw |
1 |
1Mb |
jackpot.i386-aros.lzx |
gam/mis |
1.3 |
1Mb |
09 May 19 |
¤ Slot machine |
1 |
2Mb |
xrick021212_joy-i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
021212 |
2Mb |
24 Jul 11 |
¤ xRick - Rick Dangerous clone w sound and joystick |
1 |
125Mb |
edgar.i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
1.27 |
125Mb |
26 Oct 17 |
¤ Sdl 2d platform adventure game. |
1 |
141Mb |
flare_0_18_i386-aros.zip |
gam/rol |
0.18 |
141Mb |
11 May 13 |
¤ Flare - 2D action rpg game |
1 |
1Mb |
janus-uae-src.tar.gz |
emu/com |
1.2 |
1Mb |
04 Jun 12 |
¤ Janus-UAE Sources |
1 |
22Mb |
aros.zip |
emu |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
2Mb |
ezekiel.i386-aros.lha |
gra |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
280kb |
libsmpeg.i386-aros.zip |
lib |
280kb |
27 Aug 15 |
¤ The SDL MPEG library |
1 |
41Mb |
owb-1.25.i386-aros.zip |
net/bro |
1.25 |
41Mb |
02 Apr 16 |
¤ Odyssey Web Browser |
1 |
3Mb |
lbreakout2-2.6.3.i386-aros.tar.gz |
gam/mis |
2.6.3 |
3Mb |
31 May 11 |
¤ LBreakout2 - Breakout clone in SDL *with sound* |
1 |
5Mb |
hexen2-1.5.9-aros-i386.lha |
gam/fps |
1.5.9 |
5Mb |
12 Aug 18 |
¤ Hexen II for AROS |
1 |
559kb |
cannonball.i386-aros.zip |
gam/dri |
0.3 |
559kb |
24 Dec 15 |
¤ Game engine for SEGA OutRun arcade game. |
1 |
3Mb |
rtcw.i386-aros.lha |
gam/fps |
1.41b |
3Mb |
05 Sep 12 |
¤ Return to Castle Wolfenstein |
1 |
3Mb |
zeldaroth.i386-aros.zip |
gam/rol |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
4Mb |
zeldaolb.i386-aros.zip |
gam/rol |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
351kb |
libmikmod.i386-aros.rar |
dev/lib |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
10Mb |
soko4mui.i386-aros.lha |
gam/puz |
1.2 |
10Mb |
20 Oct 14 |
¤ Thinking game with MUI Interface |
1 |
5kb |
dopus4-clafile.i386.zip |
uti/fil |
4.22 |
5kb |
18 May 10 |
¤ DirectoryOpus.CLA file |
1 |
4kb |
4kb |
15 Sep 24 |
¤  |
1 |
144Mb |
aspire_games_1.1-i386.zip |
gam |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
109Mb |
supertuxkart.i386-aros.lha |
gam/dri |
0.6.2a |
109Mb |
30 Apr 18 |
¤ opengl arcade racer |
1 |
55Mb |
grimorum_1.9_eng_cut.i386-aros.zip |
gam/adv |
1.9 |
55Mb |
04 Jan 19 |
¤ Game for EasyRPG-Player |
1 |
2Mb |
arnold-aros-i386.lha |
emu/com |
2Mb |
24 Oct 10 |
¤ Arnold |
1 |
42kb |
faroenza_extra_icon.lha |
gra/ico |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
5Mb |
milkytracker-0.90.80-aros-i386.tgz |
aud/tra |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
2Mb |
lodepaint_manual_full.zip |
doc/man |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
48kb |
comics.i386-aros.lha |
gra/vie |
0.5.1 |
48kb |
30 Jan 14 |
¤ The Creepy Comic Book Reader |
1 |
147kb |
ziprecover.lha |
uti/mis |
1 |
147kb |
14 Jul 10 |
¤ ZipRecover |
1 |
436kb |
libgtk-mui.i386.tar.gz |
dev/lib |
2.2 |
436kb |
15 Apr 13 |
¤ Link library to port and zunify GTK applications |
1 |
6Mb |
mplayer-1.0-v4.i386-aros.zip |
vid/pla |
1.0-V4 |
6Mb |
22 Apr 12 |
¤ MPlayer 1.0 |
1 |
1Mb |
schismtracker_manual.pdf |
doc/tut |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
148Mb |
aspireos_v.2.0_i386.rar |
dev/mis |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
404kb |
rdesktop-1.6.0.i386-aros.zip |
aud |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
24Mb |
kidnappingofprincess.i386-aros.zip |
gam/adv |
1.12 |
24Mb |
04 Jan 19 |
¤ Game for EasyRPG-Player |
1 |
964kb |
atari800-310.i386-aros.lha |
emu/com |
3.1.0 |
964kb |
24 Apr 19 |
¤ Emulator of Atari 8bit computers |
1 |
16Mb |
murks-0.6.0.i386-aros.zip |
dev/ide |
0.6.0 |
16Mb |
08 Apr 08 |
¤ Murks! An Integrated Development Environment |
1 |
30kb |
nvidia.hidd-i386.zip |
dri/gra |
1.0 |
30kb |
12 Jan 09 |
¤ nVidia HIDD |
1 |
9Mb |
examplemusic.zip |
aud/tra |
9Mb |
26 Dec 08 |
¤ MilkyTracker example songs re-packed for AROS |
1 |
5Mb |
gtuner.i386-aros.lha |
aud |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
54Mb |
neverball.i386-aros.lha |
gam/mis |
1.5.4 |
54Mb |
14 Sep 12 |
¤ Neverball and Neverputt |
1 |
92kb |
amigang-jhead-2.901.lha |
gra/mis |
2.9 |
92kb |
22 Sep 10 |
¤ Exif Jpeg header and thumbnail manipulator program |
1 |
58Mb |
astromenace.i386-aros.zip |
gam/act |
1.3.2 |
58Mb |
13 Dec 16 |
¤ OpenGl scrolling space shooter. |
1 |
2Mb |
zroth.i386-aros.zip |
gam/adv |
2009 |
2Mb |
27 Mar 19 |
¤ Fan made Zelda style SDL game. |
1 |
868kb |
mcc_texteditor-15.52.lha |
lib/mui |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
20Mb |
owb-r1097.tar.gz |
net/bro |
20Mb |
17 Nov 12 |
¤ Oxygen Web Browser Source Revision 1097 |
1 |
982kb |
gravityforce.i386-aros.lha |
gam/act |
1.0 |
982kb |
24 Jul 16 |
¤ Remake of Amiga classic Gravity Force - i386 AROS |
1 |
40kb |
pills_theme.zip |
gra/the |
40kb |
20 Jan 10 |
¤ pills, windecor with zune prefs |
1 |
673kb |
muimapparium_0.7.arm-aros.lha |
net/mis |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
17Mb |
smw.i386-aros.zip |
gam/pla |
1.8-beta2 |
17Mb |
15 Oct 18 |
¤ Crush the opposition in this platform jumping game |
1 |
5Mb |
cinnamonwriter.i386-aros.lha |
off/wor |
0.801 |
5Mb |
27 Jun 17 |
¤ Word Processor |
1 |
4Mb |
fractures.i386-aros.zip |
dem/sce |
2008 |
4Mb |
16 Aug 17 |
¤ Port of demo from Alternative '08. |
1 |
7Mb |
eternal.i386-aros.zip |
dem/sce |
2004 |
7Mb |
21 Jan 17 |
¤ Port of OpenGL demo from ReAct 2004 |
1 |
2Mb |
drfungi.i386-aros.zip |
dem/sce/fit |
2002 |
2Mb |
20 Jan 14 |
¤ Port of OpenGL Mac demo from iQuest 2002. |
1 |
2Mb |
vamp.i386-aros.lha |
vid/pla |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
230kb |
amitimekeeper.i386-aros.lha |
uti/wor |
1.05 |
230kb |
09 Aug 18 |
¤ Keep your time right |
1 |
337kb |
stuntcarremake.i386-aros.zip |
gam/dri |
2008 |
337kb |
28 Aug 18 |
¤ OpenGL clone of Stunt Car Racer. |
1 |
21Mb |
zaz.i386-aros.zip |
gam/mis |
1.0.0 |
21Mb |
13 Mar 19 |
¤ Snatch & match rolling balls in time. (OpenGL) |
1 |
1Mb |
lpairs.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.0.5 |
1Mb |
04 Dec 18 |
¤ SDL memory game - match tiles. |
1 |
309kb |
gljewel.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.1.1 |
309kb |
14 Aug 18 |
¤ OpenGL game to match 3 or more objects. |
1 |
1Mb |
sqrxz4-v.latest.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.0 |
1Mb |
20 Jun 18 |
¤ sequel of sqrxz 3 |
1 |
1Mb |
glcolumns.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
0.1 |
1Mb |
08 Oct 17 |
¤ OpenGL game to match 3 or more falling gems. |
1 |
2Mb |
mindless.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.0.0 |
2Mb |
16 Aug 17 |
¤ SDL "MasterMind" game with AI players. |
1 |
6Mb |
blockattack.i386-aros.zip |
gam/puz |
1.4.2 |
6Mb |
23 Aug 17 |
¤ Match colors of rising blocks in time. |
1 |
1Mb |
blackshade.i386-aros.zip |
gam/act |
1 |
1Mb |
08 Oct 16 |
¤ shoot em up |
1 |
1Mb |
pang.i386-aros.zip |
gam/act |
1 |
1Mb |
07 Oct 16 |
¤ The classic Pang game |
1 |
308kb |
anaroswallpaper-01.i386.zip |
gra/the |
1.0 |
308kb |
30 Apr 06 |
¤ A 3D picture that will enjoy being on your desktop |
1 |
472kb |
timeless.i386-aros.zip |
dem/sce |
1.0.1 |
472kb |
22 Jun 15 |
¤ Sdl port of Tran's timeless MsDos demo. |
1 |
35Mb |
owb-r1468.tar.gz |
net/bro |
35Mb |
17 Nov 12 |
¤ Oxygen Web Browser Source Revision 1468 |
1 |
27Mb |
audioevolution4.i386-aros.lha |
aud/rec |
4 |
27Mb |
20 Jan 17 |
¤ hd recording |
1 |
124kb |
aramp.src-aros.zip |
aud/pla |
1.0 |
124kb |
26 Mar 08 |
¤ Source code for MP3 player ARAMP |
1 |
48kb |
aramp.i386-aros.zip |
aud/pla |
1.0 |
48kb |
26 Mar 08 |
¤ Port of MP3 player WarpAMP to AROS |
1 |
949kb |
ht16.i386-aros.lha |
aud/tra |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
4Mb |
fuhquake.i386-aros.lha |
gam/fps |
0.31 |
4Mb |
16 May 12 |
¤ Fuhquake for AROS |
1 |
99kb |
aircos-0.0.2.i386.zip |
net/cha |
0.0.2 |
99kb |
10 Dec 05 |
¤ AiRcOS - AROS IRC Client |
1 |
764kb |
diskimage.ppc-aros.tar.bz2 |
dri/sto |
52.32 |
764kb |
31 Aug 12 |
¤ Disk image device (adf,dms,iso,...) |
1 |
83kb |
muitronome.i386-aros.lha |
aud |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
740kb |
tuxpuck.i386-aros.zip |
gam/spo |
0.8.2 |
740kb |
01 Oct 15 |
¤ Play shufflepuck with Tux or Arcana. |
1 |
622kb |
diskimage.i386-aros.tar.bz2 |
dri/sto |
52.34 |
622kb |
05 Jan 15 |
¤ Disk image device (adf,dms,iso,...) |
1 |
31Mb |
cube-20050829.i386-aros.zip |
gam/fps |
20050829 |
31Mb |
23 Jun 11 |
¤ Cube 3D game |
1 |
432kb |
amath.i386-aros.lha |
uti/sci |
1.8.5 |
432kb |
09 Aug 18 |
¤ Simple command line calculator |
1 |
465kb |
autodocreader_1v65.lha |
dev/uti |
1.6.5 |
465kb |
22 Dec 10 |
¤ View autodocs, C headers, amigaguide and text file |
1 |
715kb |
xmp_3_1_0.i386.zip |
aud |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
459kb |
picshow.lha |
gra/vie |
31.406 |
459kb |
19 Apr 07 |
¤ Datatype picture viewer for directory tools |
1 |
110kb |
icons_games.lha |
gra/ico |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
76kb |
icon_game.lha |
gra/ico |
76kb |
07 May 17 |
¤ Icon and script for many game |
1 |
7Mb |
povray.i386-aros.zip |
gra/ray |
3.6.1 |
7Mb |
29 Sep 09 |
¤ Persistence of Vision Raytracer |
1 |
27Mb |
cairo-1.5.8-src_aros.lha |
dev/lib |
1.5.8 |
27Mb |
20 Jan 10 |
¤ Cairo - 2D graphics library AROS port, source |
1 |
164kb |
robodoc_aros.lha |
dev/gui |
3.0j |
164kb |
21 Oct 07 |
¤ AROS version of Robodoc |
1 |
564kb |
sopwith.lha |
gam/mis |
1.7.4 |
564kb |
18 Sep 10 |
¤ Amigang SopWith |