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This update should fix an AROS issue displaying
keyboard help. If you've had a problem opening
the help window, then try this update. -thanks.
The geoface example in this directory is a modified version of the code
presented in Appendix 1 of Frederic I Parke and Keith Waters's most
interesting book "Computer Facial Animation" (A.K. Peters, ISBN
1-56881-014-8). Information about the book can be found at:
From the book's Preface:
This book is about computer facial models, computer generated facial
images, and facial animation. In particular it concerns the
principles of creating face models and the manipulation or control of
computer generated facial attributes. In addition, various sections
in the book describe and explain the development of specific computer
facial animation techniques over the past twenty years, as well as
those expected in the near future.
The original Appendix 1 code (using the aux library) can be found at:
I've improved the code to add menus, better mouse motion handling,
arrow key support, and less terminal output.
DEC has a program called DECface that looks even more involved:
If the example here intrigues you, you'll definitely want the book.
- Mark Kilgard