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Description: Perl 5.7.2 x86_64 ABIv11
Download:       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 11Mb
Date: 29 Oct 24
Author: Stanislaw Szymczyk
Submitter: Deremon
Email: deremonalleria/gmail com
Category: development/language
License: Other
Distribute: yes
FileID: 2934
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 11  (Current version)
11  (Accumulated)
Votes: 2 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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AROS Perl 5.7.2 port for x86_64 ABIv11 - Deadwood branch

This is an experimental Perl 5.7.2 AROS port created for AROS Self-Compiling
bounty. It contains the following extensions:

* B
* ByteLoader 
* Cwd
* Data/Dumper
* Devel/DProf 
* Devel/Peek
* Digest/MD5 
* Encode
* Fcntl
* File/Glob
* Filter/Util/Call
* IO
* List/Util
* MIME/Base64 
* Opcode
* PerlIO/Scalar
* PerlIO/Via 
* SDBM_File
* Storable
* Sys/Hostname
* Time/HiRes 
* Time/Piece
* XS/Typemap 
* attrs 
* re 
* Errno

This port doesn't support dynamically linked extensions.

This port needs usr: assign pointing to Development directory. On newer AROS
installations it should be already present.

In case of weird crashes try increasing the stack size.

File Version Size Date Dls Readme
perl-5.7.2.i386-aros.tar.gz5.7.26Mb09 Nov 08268¤ Perl-5.7.2.i386-aros - Perl
perl-5.7.2.ppc-aros.tgz5.7.27Mb23 Feb 09103¤ Perl-5.7.2 - Perl
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