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Description: WildMIDI Open Source Midi Synthesizer
Download:       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 90kb
Date: 23 May 12
Author: Chris Ison
Submitter: Szilárd Biró
Category: development/library
Replaces: development/library/
License: LGPL
Distribute: yes
FileID: 1132
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 141  (Current version)
182  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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What is WildMIDI?

WildMIDI is a software midi synthesizer that uses Gravis Ultrasound patch files
to render midi files into audio.

Who developed WildMIDI?

Little ol me. There is no team slaving away at the code till they can't feel
their fingers. WildMIDI is a work of love but many have helped to develope
concepts and ideas contained within WildMIDI. For example Quakeforge assisted in
working out the details of the library. Eric A Welsh developed several
resamplers to experiment with, one of which still remains in the library. Many
many people have tested the development version.

Is this related to Timidity or some other project?

No, WildMIDI was written from scratch by me with input from the team at
Quakeforge and the assistance of Eric A Welsh. To my knowledge there is no
shared code between the 2 projects but we may have had simular ideas or

Can I use WildMIDI in my projects?

Yes, providing you follow the Lesser General Public License version 3 for the
library, and General Public License version 3 for the demo player. Please
remember that the code for 0.2.2 was released with GPL and LGPL version 2.

Why change the license?

I feel that the GPL/LGPLv3 is better suited to WildMIDI than the LGPLv2.

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