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Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
0 Stored 0 0% 2009-01-28 15:09 00000000 examples/
0 Stored 0 0% 2009-01-28 15:20 00000000 examples/read_from_clip_to_screen/
3175 Defl:X 1195 62% 2009-01-28 01:20 817dbe23 examples/read_from_clip_to_screen/cb.h
13168 Defl:X 3989 70% 2009-01-28 01:20 4537b665 examples/read_from_clip_to_screen/cbio.c
3928 Defl:X 1574 60% 2009-01-28 01:20 12dacad5 examples/read_from_clip_to_screen/cbio.o
59 Defl:X 43 27% 2009-01-28 15:29 d2abf5d8 examples/read_from_clip_to_screen/make.bat
641 Defl:X 301 53% 2009-01-28 15:28 22856616 examples/read_from_clip_to_screen/read.c
0 Stored 0 0% 2009-01-28 15:29 00000000 examples/write_to_clip/
3175 Defl:X 1195 62% 2009-01-28 01:20 817dbe23 examples/write_to_clip/cb.h
13168 Defl:X 3989 70% 2009-01-28 01:20 4537b665 examples/write_to_clip/cbio.c
3928 Defl:X 1574 60% 2009-01-28 01:20 12dacad5 examples/write_to_clip/cbio.o
61 Defl:X 44 28% 2009-01-28 15:29 81f43364 examples/write_to_clip/make.bat
516 Defl:X 272 47% 2009-01-28 15:15 6fe74e6c examples/write_to_clip/write.c
3175 Defl:X 1195 62% 2009-01-28 01:20 817dbe23 cb.h
13168 Defl:X 3989 70% 2009-01-28 01:20 4537b665 cbio.c
3928 Defl:X 1574 60% 2009-01-28 01:20 12dacad5 cbio.o
379 Defl:X 241 36% 2009-01-28 15:12 8ac05f87 readme.txt
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62469 21175 66% 17 files