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AMOSTools - tools to work with AMOS programs
* DumpAMOS: extract the contents of AMOS source code and memory banks
* ListAMOS: list AMOS source code as plain text
* UnlockAMOS: unlock "locked" procedures in AMOS source code
============================ R E Q U I R E M E N T ==========================
AMOSTools tested and worked fine on the following configurations:
- IcarOS i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
- AROS One i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
================================= U S A G E =================================
Extract banks attached to source code:
$ dumpamos source.amos
Extract sprites, pictures, samples from source or banks:
$ dumpamos source.amos sprites.abk pic1.abk samps.abk
Use input filenames as a prefix for the output filenames:
$ dumpamos -p source.amos
List AMOS programs:
$ listamos source.amos
List AMOS programs that use 3rd-party extensions:
$ listamos -e extensions/CRAFT.Lib-V1.00
-e extensions/MusiCRAFT.Lib-V1.00
$ listamos -e23=extensions/Dump.Lib-V1.0
source.amos # you can load extensions in non-standard slots
List AMOS programs using the extensions configured in your own AMOS setup:
$ listamos -c myamos/AMOS1_3_Pal.Env -d myamos/AMOS_System source.amos
$ listamos -c myamos/AMOS1_3_Pal.Env -d myamos/AMOS_System source.amos
$ listamos -c myamos/s/AMOSPro_Interpreter_Config -d myamos/APSystem
Unlock AMOS programs with locked procedures:
$ unlockamos Fold.Acc *.AMOS
======================= A B O U T E X T E N S I O N S ======================
AMOS supports [extensions](
to its core language.
AMOS provides four standard extensions (Music, Compact, Requester,
but many other extensions exist.
Extensions must be loaded into a "slot" to use them. There are 25
slots. When you use extension instructions, AMOS only stores the slot
number and a token table offset in your source code.
So, to list programs written using an extension, you need that exact
extension, and it needs to be loaded in the correct slot.
`listamos` has the four standard extensions built in, and for your
convenience, the `extensions/` directory contains as many extensions
as I can find.
====================== F U R T H E R R E S O U R C E S =====================
* [AMOS File Formats](
* [AMOS Extensions](
* Get [AMOS 1.34](, [AMOS 1.35 and AMOS
Compiler](, [AMOS
3D](, [Easy
* Get [AMOS Pro 1.11](, [AMOS Pro 1.0
and 2.0](
* [AMOS 1.x source
* [AMOS Pro source code](
================================ S O U R C E ================================
backport from:
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