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This program converts 'BASIC in an ASCII file' to a TAP tape image file, to be
used in a ZX Spectrum emulator. Both 48K and 128K listings are supported.
============================ R E Q U I R E M E N T ==========================
BAS2TAP tested and worked fine on the following configurations:
- IcarOS i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
- AROS One i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
================================= U S A G E =================================
BAS2TAP [-q] [-w] [-e] [-c] [-aX] [-sX] FileIn [FileOut]
-q goes into quiet mode, suppressing banner and progress indication.
-w suppress generation of warnings.
-e write errors to the stdout in stead of the stderr stream.
-c makes token matching case independant. The drawback is that variables that
have the same name as a token (eg. 'print') cannot be used, as they will be
treated as (unexpected) tokens.
-n disables syntax checking.
-aX sets the auto-start line to line X.
-sX sets the TAP block name to X (max 10 characters).
If no output filename is provided, the same name as the input file will be
used, but with extension `.TAP'.
For example:
1.AROS> bas2tap -a10 Example/Multi.basic RAM:Multi.tap
================================ S O U R C E ================================
Based on aminet source by
Martijn van der Heide, MSc
Senior Software Developer
ThunderWare Research Center
AROS port by
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