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JetPac - The Return

Description: Remake ZX Spectrum classic game
Download:       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 1Mb
Version: 0.2.6
Date: 08 Feb 24
Author: James Blewitt
Submitter: aGGreSSor [CPU]
Requirements: ABIv0; i386
Category: game/action
Replaces: game/action/jetpac.i386-aros.lha
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
FileID: 2812
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 1
Videos: 0
Downloads: 128  (Current version)
184  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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============================== F E A T U R E S ==============================

Jetpac - "The Return" is a remake of the original game Jetpac for
thr Sinclair ZX Spectrum line of computers.

============================ R E Q U I R E M E N T ==========================

Jetpac tested and worked fine on the following configurations:

- IcarOS i386               (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
- AROS One i386             (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)

=========================== C H A N G E L O G ===============================

0.2.6: The game uses SDL and isn't only compiled for AROS, but also 
       the graphics are improved by aGGreSSor.

0.2.5: Compiled for AmigaOS 3 by Artur Jarosik.
       Tested without any know issues (so far).

================================ S O U R C E ================================

Aminet backport:

Compiled and improved by

        ______ ______              ______ ______ 
 ______|:: .__|:: .__|_____ ______|:: ___|:: ___|______ _____ 
|: ,   |:  |  |:  |  |:  ,_|:  ,__|:___  |:___  |:  -  |:  ,_|
|__|___|______|______|___|   _____|______|______|______|___|

                home cross-compilation factory

20240208: recompiled to remove incompatible SDL implementation

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