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 File comments for:  Game » Adventure » eaqne1.lzx


Description: Adventure detectives, crimes and mysteries
Download: eaqne1.lzx
Version: 2.00
Date: 24 Jun 23
Category: game/adventure
FileID: 2716

[Back to readme page]

Unpacked   Packed Time     Date        Attrib   Name
-------- -------- -------- ----------- -------- ----
    1537      n/a 20:28:02  9-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/Readme-Ep1.txt"
    1895      n/a 20:17:45  9-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/Clues.txt"
    7198      n/a 18:00:22 11-apr-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/HowPlay-ComoJugar.txt"
   10630     4278 Merged
    3349      n/a 11:07:19 26-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/"
    4899      n/a 11:07:19 26-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/"
   10738      n/a 11:07:19 26-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/EAQNE"
    3349      n/a 11:07:19 26-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/"
    4357      n/a 11:07:19 26-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/"
    9869      n/a 10:41:18 10-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE"
   36561    32642 Merged
      40       40 19:03:58 24-dec-1986 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/MorgueSoft-Support"
      87       87 18:13:04 11-apr-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/RegistroEAQN.msl"
22473432 18987412 11:13:18 21-jun-1987 ----rwed "EAQNE 1/EAQNE 1"
-------- -------- -------- ----------- -------- ----
22520750 19024459 12 files
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