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Part of Aros World Exec |
[Show comments] [Show snapshots] [Show videos] [Show content] [Replace file] UnGAC takes snapshot files of Spectrum games written with Incentive
Software's Graphic Adventure Creator, and produces textual listings of
the data tables which control them. From this it is possible to deter-
mine how to solve the game (ie cheat :-)) or how to reconstruct it on
another gamewriting system.
Use Sinlair ZX Spectrum emulators for create memory dump as .sna format
and this disassembler for listings.
Archive contains sources and executables for aros-i386
Just click on UnGAC icon for launch example listing.
> ungac -Oransom.txt ransom.sna
Send the contents of Ransom to a text file.
> ungac -sh -sl -sc -sm -so -sr -sb -sf ransom.sna
Display the verbs, nounds and adjectives used in Ransom.
> ungac -v cursecit.sna | more
List the workings of Cursed Be The City, annotating references to
rooms, messages and so on.