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Description: Aros Kitty Kart for SuperTuxKart 0.62
Version: 5
Date: 03 Aug 11
Category: game/driving
FileID: 1013

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 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2011-06-13 17:39 00000000  kitty/
     670  Defl:N      240  64% 2011-06-13 17:34 11bfea5a  kitty/kitty.kart
   53794  Defl:N    15490  71% 2011-06-13 17:29 211a584d  kitty/kittyface.rgb
  376620  Defl:N    58813  84% 2011-06-13 17:20 18877530  kitty/
   35823  Defl:N    11232  69% 2011-06-13 13:41 b261d45e  kitty/kittykarticon.rgb
   21919  Defl:N     6754  69% 2009-08-16 14:07 a61f4bb1  kitty/kittykartshadow.rgb
     491  Defl:N      198  60% 2011-06-13 17:10 181ce9db  kitty/materials.dat
   17752  Defl:N     2666  85% 2011-06-13 17:20 8cd9c777  kitty/
   17652  Defl:N     2664  85% 2011-06-13 17:20 5b07d2ec  kitty/
   18777  Defl:N     2807  85% 2011-06-13 17:20 ae95d311  kitty/
   18692  Defl:N     2796  85% 2011-06-13 17:20 4dff8cb9  kitty/
  197120  Defl:N    48678  75% 2011-08-02 10:37 2100b1fe  kitty/aroslogo.rgb
--------          -------  ---                            -------
  759310           152338  80%                            12 files
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