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[Show comments] [Show snapshots] [Show videos] [Show content] [Replace file] Friq 0701-2 for Linux
A port of the GP2X game by Sebastian to other Linux platforms.
Read the original README.gp2x for information bearing in mind it's
describing a different platform with a different directory structure :-
* ./res/music.txt is now ~/.friq/music.txt
* ./res/colors.txt is now ~/.friq/colors.txt
* ./res/options is now ~/.friq/options
See the file COMPILING.
The volume starts low so press the volume up key a few times for it to
become audible. You'll only have to do this once as it gets saved.
PC Controls
Escape - Exit back to Linux
Enter - Start or stop a game
F5 - Previous music track (if ~/.friq/music.txt is configured)
F6 - Next music track (if ~/.friq/music.txt is configured)
F7 - Decrease volume
F8 - Increase volume
ALT+Enter - Toggle fullscreen (scaling remains unchanged)
Main Screen
M - Mode toggle between Normal and Lives
Space - Cycle through the different turret orientations
In Game
Up/Down/Left/Right/Space - Any one of these will fire the turret
There's also basic mouse support: click mode to toggle the mode; click
the edges of the screen to cycle through the different turret orientations
on the main screen or to fire in-game; click centre screen to start or
stop a game.
Command Line Options
-scale{on|off} - Enable/disable x2 scaling from 320x240 pixels to
-delay{on|off} - Enable/disable a 10ms delay to reduce CPU usage.
-fps - Show fps in-game.
-f - Run Friq fullscreen; more efficiently used with -scaleoff.
The PC defaults to -scaleon -delayon in a window.
Changes Over the GP2X 0701 Release
* Some bug fixes that have been passed on to the original author
* x2 scaling
* Command line options
* Relocating the rc files to the user's home folder
* A slot-in replacement for SDL_ttf (thunor_ttf.c) so that SDL_ttf can
be removed as a dependency if required for other platforms.
* All orientations and modes now have unique highscores.
* Mouse support.
Friq Licence
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 (see COPYING).
thunor <thunorsif()> 2007