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[Show comments] [Show snapshots] [Show videos] [Show content] [Replace file] README - basic documentation for the MyMan video game
Copyright 1997-2009, Benjamin C. Wiley Sittler <bsittler()>
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.
MyMan is no longer in the public domain. It is now distributed
under a BSD-style license (see LICENSE for details.)
Legal Notice
MyMan is an unofficial and unlicensed clone of the original Pac-Man
and Puckman games and of their sequels and imitators, and is not
endorsed by Namco Bandai Games Inc., owners of the Pac-Man and Puckman
registered trademarks and copyrights. Any trademarks used herein are
the property of their respective owners. No mention of a trademark,
trademark owner, or other party shall be construed as an endorsement
of MyMan or any other product by any party. If you believe that by
using or posessing MyMan the rights of others would be infringed, you
are strongly encouraged to cease using MyMan and its derivatives and
delete all copies of the MyMan software and its derivatives, and to
inform the author or authors of MyMan and the distributor or
distributors from whom you obtained MyMan of the reasons for such
belief so that the infringing part may be removed or replaced. Any
imitation by MyMan of other software is intended to be purely for
purposes of humor and amusement.
Please see the file LICENSE for author contact information.
MyMan was written on a dare on Sunday, 1998-06-28. The original
version had no color or attribute support and only supported large
tiles (equivalent to -z big.) It was 742 lines of ANSI C and used
three data files: a maze file (equivalent to -v pac), a tile file and
a sprite file. It worked with ncurses on Linux and cygwin. Several
variations using other maze layouts were created over the following
hours. Color came in December of that year, as did support for small
tiles (equivalent to -z small.) The mygetopt argument parser is a bit
older, having been started in 1997 as part of the SMOKE-16 project.
Toru Iwatani had the original idea for Namco's 'Pac-Man'/'Puck-Man',
which in turn served as inspiration for this game.
Innumerable others have written their own variants of the original
game which in turn inspired variants for this game, and I have tried
to credit them where authorship is known. Credits for each variant are
listed in the in-game help screen reachable by pressing ? or Ctrl-H.
Basic premise of the MyMan video game:
"Those scary ghosts are back, and this time they've spotted
you! What's worse is that they've mistaken you for their old
rival Pac, and they're out for (yellow) blood!"
MyMan displays (A) on a text terminal or terminal emulator (using
ncurses, slang, PDCurses, SysV curses, BSD curses, old VMS curses, or
the raw stdio terminal driver), (B) on an X Window System display
(using PDCurses for X, a.k.a. XCurses), (C) on any terminal or display
supported by PDCurses for SDL, libcaca, LibGGI/LibGII, Allegro, TWin,
aalib, Carbon/Toolbox, newt, GTK+, FLTK, <disp.h>, Borland-style
CONIO, or the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) or (D) in a Win32
command prompt window (using the raw Win32 terminal driver). Since
MyMan is fairly fast-moving, you'll need a reasonably fast computer
and display. It once ran acceptably fast on a 486-66 under Linux, and
may still.
Installation instructions are in the file INSTALL.
License and Version
The MyMan version number is recorded in the file VERSION inside the
source package. To determine the version number of an installed MyMan
executable, run e.g. 'myman -V'.
This version of MyMan has a BSD-like license; see the file LICENSE for
details. Earlier versions were placed in the public domain.
MyMan includes a bundled copy of the 'mygetopt' argument parser,
which is licensed under the same terms as MyMan; see the README file
in the 'mygetopt' subdirectory of the MyMan source distribution
for details.
Note that the contents of the MyMan datafiles (tiles, sprites and
mazes) are in the public domain.
The file 'start.xm' is by Raina / Titan and was originally created in
2007 for an AmigaOS 4.0 port of MyMan 0.6. See:
To Do
See TODO for notes on desired features and bugfixes.
A Note on Text Encoding and the B.O.M.
Note that many files in the MyMan distribution are distributed as
Unicode/UCS text in the UTF-8 encoding with an explicit "byte-order
mark" (B.O.M.) at the beginning. This three-byte sequence (0xEF, 0xBB,
0xBF in hexadecimal notation) allows many web browsers and text
editors on Windows, Mac OS X, and other operating systems to
automatically select the correct character encoding when displaying or
editing the files. Please try to preserve this sequence when further
redistributing the files or sending in patches so that others will be
able to read the files painlessly.
Environment Variables
Some configurations of MyMan are influenced by the values of
environment variables, in addition to those behaviors documented for
the underlying display libraries:
Display Library Variable Effect
----------------- ---------- --------
AA-Lib AACURSES_BITMAP Nonempty value causes
pseudo-bitmap rendering
AAOPTS Presence of variable
inhibits auto-sizing
DISPLAY Absence or empty value
inhibits auto-sizing
libcaca 0.x
CACA_DRIVER Absence or value other
than "x11" (case-insensitive)
inhibits auto-sizing to
large geometries
CACA_FONT Absence or value other
than "nil2" (case-insensitive)
inhibits auto-sizing to
large geometries
CACA_GEOMETRY Nonempty value inhibits
CACACURSES_ACS Nonzero value forces use
of font positions 0-31 for
VT100 alternate character
set (XTerm-style)
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
libcaca 1.x CACACURSES_BITMAP Nonempty value causes
pseudo-bitmap rendering
CACACURSES_FIXEDPAL Nonempty value disables
custom color palette
CACA_DRIVER Absence or value other
than "x11" (case-insensitive)
inhibits auto-sizing to
large geometries
CACA_FONT Absence or value other
than "nil2" (case-insensitive)
inhibits auto-sizing to
large geometries
Floating-point brightness for
pseudo-bitmap rendering
Floating-point gamma value for
pseudo-bitmap rendering
Floating-point contrast for
pseudo-bitmap rendering
Antialiasing mode for
pseudo-bitmap rendering;
one of "none", "prefilter"
or "default"
Color mode for
pseudo-bitmap rendering;
one of "mono", "gray", "8", "16",
"fullgray", "full8", "full16",
or "default"
Character set for
pseudo-bitmap rendering;
one of "ascii", "shades",
"blocks", or "default"
Error diffusion mode for
pseudo-bitmap rendering;
one of "none", "ordered2",
"ordered4", "ordered8",
"random", or "fstein"
Nonempty value doubles
bitmap width and height
Nonempty value doubles
bitmap height
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
LibGGI/LibGII GGICURSES_BITMAP Nonempty value causes bitmap
GGICURSES_SWAPRB Nonempty value interchanges
red and blue color channels
GGICURSES_ASCII Nonempty value forces ASCII-only
GGICURSES_FLUSHALL Nonempty value disables selective
rectangular region updates in favor
of complete refreshes
GGICURSES_FIXEDPAL Nonempty value disables custom
color palette
GGICURSES_DIRECT Nonempty value enables use of
directbuffer rendering
Nonempty value doubles
bitmap width and height
by scanline simulation
Nonempty value doubles
bitmap height
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
Nonempty value causes bitmap
Nonempty value doubles
bitmap width and height
by scanline simulation
Nonempty value doubles
bitmap height
Nonempty value interchanges
red and blue color channels
Nonempty value disables custom
color palette
Font for non-bitmap rendering;
must be a format supported by
load_font(3); chr8.fnt in
the MyMan distribution works
Font for non-bitmap rendering;
must be a format supported by
load_txt_font(3); chr8.afn
in the MyMan distribution works
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
Win32 Console/CONIO/TOS/AROS/VMS/*nix TTY
RAWCURSES_RAW Nonzero value causes raw UTF-8
character output (Unicode) or
CP-437 byte output (CP-437)
RAWCURSES_WCWIDTH Nonzero value causes builtin
character width data to be used
as a fallback for characters
not handled by locale data;
a positive integer value causes
all non-ASCII characters to
assume that width (in cells)
RAWCURSES_STDIO Nonzero value forces use of stdio
RAWCURSES_CONIO Nonzero value forces use of Borland-
style CONIO
Nonzero value forces use
of CONIO input
RAWCURSES_UTF8 Nonzero value forces UTF-8 output
when using stdio
Nonzero value forces UTF-8 debugging
output when using stdio
RAWCURSES_ACS Nonzero value forces use of the
VT100 alternate character set when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_CP437 Nonzero value forces use of CP-437
alternate character set when using
stdio (ESC[11m)
RAWCURSES_ISO2022 Zero value disables use of ISO 2022
character set selection sequences
RAWCURSES_WIDE Nonzero value forces use of the
VT100 double-width characters when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_H19 Nonzero value forces use of the
H-19 alternate character set when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_VT52 Nonzero value forces use of the
VT52 escape sequences when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_ST52 Nonzero value forces use of the
ST52 escape sequences when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_VWMTERM Nonzero value forces use of the
vwmterm escape sequences when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_AMIGA Nonzero value forces use of the
Amiga console escape sequences when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_DECTERM Nonzero value forces use of the
DECterm escape sequences when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_ADM3A Nonzero value forces use of the
ADM3A escape sequences when
using stdio
RAWCURSES_COLOR Nonzero value enables color
RAWCURSES_16COLOR Nonzero value enables use of the
16 colors rather than 8
RAWCURSES_BLINK Nonzero value forces use of the
blink attribute for bright
colors when using stdio
RAWCURSES_88COLOR Nonzero value enables use of the
XTerm-style 88-color static
palette (an XTerm compile-time
option) when using stdio
RAWCURSES_256COLOR Nonzero value enables use of the
XTerm-style 256-color static
palette (an XTerm compile-time
option) when using stdio
RAWCURSES_CCC Nonzero value forces use of the
XTerm dynamic color palette when
RAWCURSES_LINUX Nonzero value forces use of the
Linux console dynamic color palette
when using stdio
RAWCURSES_FIXEDPAL Nonzero value disables custom color
palette changes and use of more than
RAWCURSES_NOBULLET Nonzero value disables use of the
alternate character set bullet
when using stdio
Nonzero value disables use of the
bold attribute in conjunction with
color when using stdio
RAWCURSES_CIVIS Zero value disables the use of
cursor-hiding escape sequences
when using stdio
RAWCURSES_RELCUP Nonzero value forces use of
relative cursor addressing when
using stdio
Zero value forces use of
color for all attributes
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
Carbon/Toolbox MACCURSES_FONT Font name
MACCURSES_FONTSIZE Initial font size in pixels
Font encoding name, possibly one of:
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
GTKCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes
psuedo-bitmap rendering
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
Font size
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
Open Watcom-style graph.h
GRAPHCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes bitmap
GRAPHCURSES_MODE Display mode number:
-3 graphics, highest res
-2 graphics, most colors
-1 original mode
mode number
GRAPHCURSES_ROWS Display height in text rows or:
-1 maximum height
0 default height for mode
GRAPHCURSES_COLOR Zero disables color
palette remapping
GRAPHCURSES_PALETTE Select palette for CGA mode 4/5:
-1 current palette
0 dark green/red/brown
1 dark cyan/magenta/white
2 light green/red/yellow
3 light cyan/magenta/white
Zero disables use of bright
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
<disp.h> DISPCURSES_USEBIOS Nonzero value forces use of
BIOS routines for display I/O
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
Borland-style CONIO
Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI)
OPTCURSES_DIRECT Nonzero value disables redraw
optimization layer
OPTCURSES_INTERLACE Nonzero value renders by
interleaving half-screens
OPTCURSES_BITMAP Nonzero value causes use of
pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value allows use of
inverse video when using
ASCII pseudo-bitmap characters
Nonzero value forces use of
Braille pseudo-bitmap characters
on a Unicode display
Detailed Notes
For basic usage information, refer to the text version of the MyMan
manual page, myman.txt (generated from by 'make docs' using
A. When Power Pellets Look Strange:
The compile-time option -DSWAPDOTS=1 or the equivalent command-line
option '-o' or in-game command 'O' or '0' is often necessary for a
decent display. This depends greatly on what font you use.
B. More Authentic Colors:
If you have a color X server and the XFree XTerm terminal emulator,
you can try the included xmyman script which should start MyMan in a
window of its own, with proper colors. If you have the rxvt terminal
emulator, you can try the xmyman2 script for a similar effect. And
finally, if you have XFree86 XTerm and a font for IBM codepage 437,
you can try the included xmyman3 script for more different types of
pseudo-graphic characters (single and double lines, dots, and power
Alternatively, you can get the "ctheme" package from
and then run the included 'myman.ct' color theme script in your XTerm
or on the Linux console.
Changing your terminal's palette can greatly improve the experience;
recommended RGB values for each palette entry are listed at the end of
this file.
If you're using the Mac OS X Terminal application, you may install
TerminalColors to get customizable colors:
The myman.term file in the MyMan distribution takes advantage of
TerminalColors (if installed) to set the MyMan color palette.
If you're using the Darwin/Mac OS X console (this is a "text mode"
with no GUI or windowing system and is very rarely used,) you may
install utl/mach_mypal to switch your console to an appropriate
palette and utl/mach_acs to enable alternate character set (line
drawing) support. These have only been tested in Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger"
so far.
C. Window Size:
A terminal height of 34 or more lines works quite nicely, but 24 or 25
(or even less) will work. Similarly, a width of 58 or more characters
is nice, but not required. If you're a real pro (or lacking screen
real-estate) you can play MyMan in a terminal window with 7 lines of
12 characters each... it's actually playable!
D. Keyboard Map:
The following case-insensitive keystroke commands are recognized during
the game:
Q or Ctrl-C:
quit the game
P or ESC:
pause the game
re-enable output (after Ctrl-S)
R, Ctrl-L or Ctrl-R:
refresh (redraw) the screen
(): reset the display subsystem and refresh (redraw) the screen
inhibit output until Ctrl-Q is typed
S: toggle sound on/off
W: warp to the next level (after consuming the next dot)
C: toggle color on/off (if enabled at compile-time)
B: toggle use of dim and bold attributes for missing colors
U: toggle underlining of walls on/off (if enabled at compile-time)
D: toggle maze debugging on/off
T: save an HTML screenshot to the file snap####.html, where #### is
a four-digit sequence number, and flash the screen briefly; a
plain text version is saved as snap####.txt using backspacing
to represent underlined and bold text
O or 0:
toggle appearance of power pellets and dots
A: toggle between ASCII altcharset translations and your terminal's
altcharset translations
I: toggle between using your terminal's vertical scrolling capabil-
ities and redrawing the screen
X: toggle between raw tile characters (CP437 or UCS/Unicode charac-
ter graphics) and altcharset translations (VT100-style graphics)
E: toggle between UCS/Unicode and CP437 for internal representation
of raw tile characters
H, 4, Ctrl-B or LEFT:
move left
J, 2, Ctrl-N or DOWN:
move down
K, 8, Ctrl-P or UP:
move up
L, 6, Ctrl-F or RIGHT:
move right
, (comma) or <:
cancel pending vertical move
. (full stop) or >:
cancel pending horizontal move
/ or :
toggle diagonal maze reflection
!: display information about the maze, tileset and
? or Ctrl-H:
display help screen
The pager recognizes the following special commands:
display next page or finish
ESC: finish immediately
Move left then right with no intervening keystrokes:
equivalent to ESC
E. Configuration at Start-Up:
Several of the game's settings can be changed at startup using
command-line parameters; use the '-h' parameter for more information.
F. Configuration at Compile-Time:
There are several properties of the game which may be altered using
compile-time options:
Compile-time option Default value Description
MYMANDELAY 25000 Delay is between updates.
(in microseconds)
SPEEDUP 1000 Amount delay decreases
after each level.
Values other than the default and 0 don't work particularly well. This
uses the usleep library function.
Boolean Compile-time option Default value Description
USE_ATTR (automatic) Try to use attributes.
USE_COLOR (automatic) Enable color support.
USE_PALETTE 1 (except under Enable support for
slang) color palette manipulation.
USE_KEYPAD (automatic) Try to use the keypad.
USE_ACS 1 Use your terminal's
altcharset translations by
USE_RAW 0 Output untranslated CP437
character graphics by
The preceding options affect which curses features MyMan uses. MyMan
was developed using ncurses, primarily under GNU/Linux. It should be
fairly portable to other operating systems and other SysV-like curses
implementations. A partial port to old BSD curses has been completed,
and uses the FIONREAD ioctl to simulate nodelay(). A port to old VMS
curses has also been completed bypassing getch() and using raw QIO.
Options with automatic default values will be enabled if your curses
implementation seems to support them. Support is verified by checking
for relevant #defines; if your curses implementation doesn't provide
the relevant #defines, the default value will likely be wrong. This
guessing process is pessimistic, meaning that features are more likely
to be erroneously disabled than erroneously enabled.
Boolean Compile-time option Default Description
SWAPDOTS 0 Use 'o' for power pellets
and ACS_BULLET for dots.
(useful for vt100/latin-1
terminals and emulations)
This compile-time option can be modified on the command-line or at run-time.
Boolean Compile-time option Default Description
COLORIZE 1 Try to use color.
(somewhat slower than
This compile-time option can be modified on the command-line, and
toggled at run-time using 'c', provided USE_COLOR is non-zero.
Compile-time option Default value Description
TILEFILE "chr/chr5x2.txt" File containing maze tiles.
A tile file contains a dimension specifier followed by some tiles. The
dimension specifier is of the form WxH, where W and H are decimal
integers corresponding to the width and height of the tiles. This may
optionally be followed by ~F, where F is a flag bitmap written as a
decimal integer. The flag bits defined so far are "2", which indicates
invertable bitmap tiles, and "4", which indicates that all
non-inverted wall parts should have their background color set. The
line may optionally end with tile file arguments ' arg1=value1
arg2=value2 ...'.
Tile Argument Description
ABOUT Textual description of this tile file
NOTE Additional notes for this tile file
FIXME Known problems with this tile file
Each maze tile is described as follows:
XX~Y <- two-digit hex code; corresponds roughly to CP437 character code.
^___ optional: '~' followed by 1-digit hex code; corresponds to color. <- ':' followed by W characters; further characters ignored.
(repeated H times)
Blank lines are ignored.
Hex codes with special meaning:
20(' '),FF: walkable tile
2E('.'),F9: edible dot
6F('o'),FE: power pellet
3D('='),3A(':'),F0,FF: door (to ghost house)
7E('~'): secret door in horizontal wall
6C('l'): secret door in vertical wall
3C('<'),AE: zap left to matching right zap
3E('>'),AF: zap right to matching left zap
76('v'): zap down to matching up zap
5E('^'): zap up to matching down zap
10,11,18-1B,1E,1F,2B('+'),2D('-'),7C('|'),B3-DA,F0: walls
Color codes:
0: white (def.) 8: dim white
1: blue 9: bold blue
2: green A: bold green
3: cyan B: bold cyan
4: red C: bold red
5: magenta D: bold magenta
6: yellow E: bold yellow
7: white F: bold white
Compile-time option Default value Description
SPRITEFILE "spr/spr7x3.txt" File containing sprites.
A sprite file contains a dimension specifier followed by some
frames. The dimension specifier is of the form WxH, where W and H are
decimal integers corresponding to the width and height of sprite
frames. This may optionally be followed by ~F, where F is a flag
bitmap written as a decimal integer. The only flag bit currently
defined is "1", which indicates that ghost eyes are invisible. The
line may optionally end with sprite file arguments ' arg1=value1
arg2=value2 ...'.
Note that ghost eyes are always visible while a ghost is returning
home (after being eaten.) Setting the "1" flag bit is a good idea if
your ghost eye sprite totally obsures your "mean" ghost sprite.
Sprite Argument Description
ABOUT Textual description of this sprite file
NOTE Additional notes for this sprite file
FIXME Known problems with this sprite file
The sprite frame format is similar to the maze tile format, with the
following differences: a literal NUL (ASCII 0) in the description is
treated as a transparent character, and the hex codes are as follows:
00-07: level indicators (fruit, keys, etc.)
08-09: "mean" ghost body animation
0a: ghost eyes looking up
0b: ghost eyes looking left
0c: ghost eyes looking down
0d: ghost eyes looking right
0e-0f: "scared" ghost animation
10-13: MyMan walking up animation
14-17: MyMan walking left animation
18-1b: MyMan dying animation
1c-1f: MyMan walking right animation
20-23: MyMan walking down animation
24-28: (unused)
29: 100 points
2A: 300 points
2B: 500 points
2C: 700 points
2D: 1000 points
2E: 2000 points
2F: 3000 points
30: 5000 points
31: 200 points
32: 400 points
33: 800 points
34: 1600 points
35-36: "white/scared" ghost animation
37: life counter
38-3B: large MyMan walking right animation (upper-left quadrant)
3C-3F: large MyMan walking right animation (upper-right quadrant)
40-43: large MyMan walking right animation (lower-left quadrant)
44-47: large MyMan walking right animation (lower-right quadrant)
48-FF: (unused)
Compile-time option Default value Description
MAZEFILE "lvl/maze.txt" Maze description file.
The maze description file starts with a line containing 'N WxH' or 'N
WxH~F' and optional maze arguments ' arg1=value1 arg2=value2 ...', and
the remaining lines are an ASCII picture of the maze. If present, F is
a flag bitmap written as a decimal integer. The flag bits defined so
far are "1", which indicates that maze changes only occur at game
intermissions, "2", which indicates whether to repeat the FLIP_TO maze
after showing the last maze, and "4", which indicates that wall color
choice should be based on wall thickness, rather than whether a wall
edge or a filled wall section is being drawn.
NOTE: The Python program scripts/ can be used to
automatically convert plain-ASCII ".asc" mazes to UTF-8 ".txt"
mazes. The output of scripts/ often needs some manual
Maze argument Default value Description
ABOUT (none) Textual description of this
maze file
NOTE (none) Additional notes for this
maze file
FIXME (none) Known problems with this
maze file
CHERO (W * 0.5) MyMan's start column.
RHERO 23.5 MyMan's start row.
CFRUIT CHERO Prize column.
RFRUIT 17.5 Prize row.
RGHOST (RFRUIT - 3.0) Ghost start row.
ROGHOST 3 Ghost offset rows.
COGHOST 2 Ghost offset columns.
RTOP (RFRUIT - 5.0) Ghost door row.
CMSG 9 Message column.
RMSG 17 Message row.
CMSG2 9 Player Message column.
RMSG2 11 Player Message row.
READY " READY! " Ready message.
GAMEOVER "GAME OVER" Game over message.
PAUSE " - PAUSED - " Pause string.
GHOSTS 4 Number of ghosts.
Set this palette if you can (Red/Grn/Blu values are on a scale of
0-255; colors listed in VGA order):
Red Grn Blu Hex# R% G% B% MyMan color VGA color ANSI color
0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 Black 0 Black 0 Black
0 0 221 0000DD 0 0 86 Blue 1 Blue 4 Blue
0 183 0 00B700 0 71 0 Green 2 Green 2 Green
0 221 221 00DDDD 0 86 86 Cyan 3 Cyan 6 Cyan
221 150 70 DD9646 86 58 27 Brown 4 Red 1 Red
255 32 150 FF2096 100 12 58 Magenta 5 Magenta 5 Magenta
255 183 70 FFB746 100 71 27 Salmon 6 Brown 3 Yellow
255 183 150 FFB796 100 71 58 Light Yellow 7 Light Grey 7 White
102 102 102 666666 40 40 40 Grey 8 Dark Grey 8 Bold Black
32 32 221 2020DD 12 12 86 Light Blue 9 Light Blue 12 Bold Blue
150 255 0 96FF00 58 100 0 Light Green 10 Light Green 10 Bold Green
0 255 221 00FFDD 0 100 86 Light Cyan 11 Light Cyan 14 Bold Cyan
255 0 0 FF0000 100 0 0 Light Red 12 Light Red 9 Bold Red
249 178 215 F9B2D7 98 70 84 Pink 13 Light Magenta 13 Bold Magenta
255 255 0 FFFF00 100 100 0 Yellow 14 Yellow 11 Bold Yellow
221 221 221 DDDDDD 86 86 86 Light Grey 15 White 15 Bold White
If your terminal only supports eight distinct colors, set this palette
instead (colors listed in ANSI order):
Red Grn Blu Hex# R% G% B% MyMan color(s) ANSI color
0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 Black 0 Black
238 75 35 EE4B23 93 29 13 Brown + Light Red 1 Red
75 219 0 4BDB00 29 85 0 Green + Light Green 2 Green
255 219 35 FFDB23 100 85 13 Salmon + Yellow 3 Yellow
16 16 221 1010DD 6 6 86 Blue + Light Blue 4 Blue
252 105 182 FC69B6 98 41 71 Magenta + Pink 5 Magenta
0 238 221 00EEDD 0 93 86 Cyan + Light Cyan 6 Cyan
238 202 185 EECAB9 93 79 72 Light Yellow + Light Grey 7 White