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[Show comments] [Show snapshots] [Show videos] [Show content] [Replace file] --- XorGramana: Getting Started --------------------------------
In the menu screen, use the up and down arrow keys to select a
level and press return key to begin. Press 'x' to switch between
playing XorGramana or Xor.
In the game, move your player with the arrow keys. Your player
resembles a shield. You have two players, a blue player and a
red player. To switch between your two players press the return
key. Some of the more complex puzzles require both your players
working together to solve them.
The number at the bottom right of the screen tells you how many
moves you have remaining. There is no time limit.
When you first start playing, you may wonder what to do. Just go
up to objects and push them. Some will move, a few do not move,
and some others have special properties.
When you have solved all the puzzles in a level, the exit door
will open.
--- Key Guide --------------------------------------------------
While Playing Game:
arrows - move player
enter - Switch between players
m - view map (need map piece)
esc - quit (asks for replay)
At replay prompt:
y - yes, show replay
n - no, quit to level menu
c - continue playing (from this point in replay)
During replay:
1 thru 9 - controls replay speed (1= fast, 9= slow)
esc - return to replay prompt/return to menu
To display map: (need map piece)
m - toggle map
- - zoom map out
= - zoom map in
arrows - move around zoomed-in map
Scrolling/Edge threshold keys: (during play)
1 - 1 block
2 - 2 blocks
3 - 3 blocks (default)
Indicator key:
f1 - toggle movement indicators on/off
--- Viewing the Map --------------------------------------------
You must collect at least one of the four map-pieces before you
can view the map to the level you are playing. Each map-piece
reveals one quarter of the map.
The map in XorGramana shows blanks (an underline character) where
each letter in the word solution must be placed to be solved. The
actual letters are not shown, so you must figure that out for
yourself. The map comes in useful for when you are confused about
where the letters are supposed to be positioned. If there are no
blank characters in the area of the map where your player currently
is, but there are lots of letters then you don't have to form a
word to solve that particular puzzle, the puzzle is just a puzzle.
--- Differences between Xor and XorGramana ---------------------
The game play is largely based upon an old 8bit game called Xor
but the objective is no longer to collect the masks scattered
around the maze, but to manipulate letters mostly which form
pre-defined words.
The basic objective remains the same: escape the maze. But this
time you don't simply solve puzzles to be able to reach all the
masks. The mask now serve a different purpose and do not have to
be collected. Instead you solve puzzles which often form a word.
The next difference is the fact there are more than twice as
many objects in XorGramana than there are in Xor. With this
in mind, XorGramana was designed with new behaviors to
complement the original behaviors. Further, the behaviors
have been combined in ways which do not appear in Xor.
This is potentially quite confusing, for instance there is
an object in XorGramana which like a fish, will fall when
it can. However, this object also shares the properties of
the doll object from Xor, when it is pushed horizontally.
Due to the fact there are many different objects and many
different combinations of behaviors in XorGramana, every
object has different colored arrows indicating exactly
which behavioral properties it exhibits and the directions
these properties operate in.
Another new aspect to the puzzles in XorGramana, is that the
player can be blocked into a 'room' within a maze until a
particular puzzle is solved. Many of the levels in XorGramana
use this feature, such that when the letters scattered around
a room are arranged to form the word-solution to the puzzle,
a force-field blocking the exit from the room is removed and
the player can proceed to the next puzzle.
In XorGramana, when you collect a masks you gain an extra 10
moves. In Xor, you must collect the masks to pass through the
exit door.
Lastly, in Xor, all objects which gravitated (ie fish, chickens,
and bombs) had to be supported by (or rest against) another
object in the map design. In XorGramana however, unsupported
objects are allowed in the map design and if used carefully,
when the player begins the map they are presented with a nice
little animation type effect. See the level 'Ivy Mikes Breakie'
in XorGramana for an example of this, where the word to be
constructed is firstly destroyed right before your eyes!
Despite all these differences, the logic behind the behaviors
remains exactly the same (touch wood). As proof of this
XorGramana also implements all 15 levels from the original
Xor game using the same game engine code to do so. Objects
such as fish, chickens, dolls, and bombs are replaced by the
letter objects from XorGramana which have exactly the same
behavioral properties.
--- General Objects --------------------------------------------
Horizontal force-field. - Only allows horizontal movement.
Vertical force-field. - Only allows vertical movement.
Y block. - Toggles the wall visibility on and off.
Teleport. - Transfers the player to the other teleport.
Exit door. - Will stay closed until you solve the level.