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[Show comments] [Show snapshots] [Show videos] [Show content] [Replace file] Nazghul is an old-school RPG clone modeled after those made in the heyday of
top-down, 2d tile-based graphics. It is specifically modeled after Ultima V,
so if you've played that game then this should be familiar.
You can play the Tutorial first or jump right in with Start New Game.
General commands:
<dir>......................Move in that direction
A)ttack-<dir>..............Initiate combat
B)oard.....................Board/exit a vehicle like a ship or horse
C)ast-<member>-<spell>-<*>.Cast a spell (the last argument depends on
the spell)
E)nter.....................Enter a portal, including up or down ladders
F)ire-<dir>................Fire vehicle's weapon (e.g., ship cannon)
G)et-<dir>.................Get an object from the ground
H)andle-<member>-<target>..Activate a switch or lever
L)oiter-<0-9/sunrise>......Loiter a few hours
N)ew-order-<member>-<member>...Swap order of two party members
O)pen-<dir>................Open a container or door
Q)uit......................Quit & optionally save the game
R)eady-<member>-<item>.....Ready an armament like a weapon, shield, etc.
S)earch-<dir>..............Look carefully
T)alk-<target>.............Talk to an NPC
U)se-<member>-<item>.......Use an item like a torch or potion
X)amine-<target>...........Examine map tiles within view
Z)tats.....................Show party stats like inventory, armaments, etc
())AT.......................Information about where the party is AT, etc
<space>....................Pass one turn
CTRL-S)ave.................Save a game
CTRL-R)eload...............Reload a game
See USERS_GUIDE for detailed instructions on playing the game.