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 Readme for:  Network » Misc » tcpprefs


Description: AROSTCPPrefs
Download: tcpprefs       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 166kb
Version: Beta
Date: 23 Jul 08
Author: Przemyslaw Szczygielski
Submitter: Przemyslaw Szczygielski
Category: network/misc
License: Other
Distribute: yes
FileID: 378
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
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Here's the first beta version of TCPPrefs. I will upload the source when it gets

There's such a wonderful MUI Prefs class, unfortunately - undocumented. Together
with cryptic pseudo-language of MUI macros, programming really isn't as easy as
usual So I don't really want to show anyone (especialy the guy who wrote the
class) my very hacked code...

Anyway, here it is. It is probably smart enough to read your current IP config
(IP, mask, gate, host, domain, DNSes). It will write 5 files to your AROSTCP/db:

DHCP - note you have to update your script if you run DHCP automatically!

and update AROSTCP/config with db path. All other files required by AROSTCP have
to be copied to ENV#?:AROSTCP/db manually!

Right now it won't bump AROSTCP for you (if you tell me how it will be fixed in
next version...)

P.S.: Don't try to use it on LiveCD Also - don't use it on FFS is completely
unstable. This piece wouldn't be possible without SFS (it was developed natively
in AROS), with which I had not a single problem for two weeks of heavy use!

File Version Size Date Dls Readme
tcpprefs.i386-aros.zip1.097kb20 Apr 09236¤ Tcpprefs - AROSTCP Preferences Application
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