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Description: Shell tool to extract Microsoft Cabinet files.
Download:       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 292kb
Version: 1.4
Date: 25 Sep 14
Author: Stuart Caie
Submitter: migario
Category: utility/archive
Replaces: utility/archive/
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
FileID: 1413
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
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Downloads: 219  (Current version)
227  (Accumulated)
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please replace earlier downloaded version with this one. 
This archive contains files that are (hopefully) compatible 
to both old and new AROS distribution/nightly.

With a big thanks to Cavemann !

A program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files.

Cabinet (.CAB) files are a form of archive, which Microsoft use to
distribute their software, and things like Windows Font Packs. The
cabextract program unpacks these files.

For more information, see
or run the command 'cabextract --help'.

Microsoft cabinet files should not be confused with InstallShield cabinet
files. InstallShield files are generally called "", "data1.hdr"
"", "" and so on, and are found in the same directory as
"setup.exe". They begin with the magic characters "ISc(" rather than
"MSCF". cabextract will print the message "This is probably an
InstallShield file." when it finds such a file. The file "doc/magic" in
the cabextract source archive includes additional file-identification
rules for the UNIX file(1) command, which distinguishes between Microsoft
and InstallShield cabinet files.

Example usage:

Extracting files from a cabinet file:
$ cabextract

Extracting files from an executable which contains a cabinet file:
$ cabextract wibble.exe
[cabextract will automatically search executables for embedded cabinets]

Extracting files from a set of cabinet files;,, ...:
$ cabextract
[cabextract will automatically get the names of the other files]

Extracting files to a directory of your choice (in this case, 'boogie'):
$ cabextract -d boogie
[cabextract will create the directory if it does not already exist]

Listing files from a cabinet file:
$ cabextract -l

Testing the integrity of a cabinet file, without extracting it:
$ cabextract -t

Stuart Caie <kyzer()>, May 2011

File Version Size Date Dls Readme
cabextract1.11.i386-aros.zip1.111Mb03 Oct 2463¤ CabExtract 1.11 - Utility to extract from CAB files
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