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Description: extract old .arc and .ark archives
Download:       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 80kb
Version: 1.4
Date: 17 Jan 25
Author: Russell Murks
Submitter: Amiwell79
Email: planeteu email/gmail com
Requirements: Aros x86_64v11
Category: utility/archive
License: Other
Distribute: yes
FileID: 2980
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 32  (Current version)
32  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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================================= U S A G E =================================

nomarch [-hlptUv] [archive.arc] [match1 [match2 ... ]]


-h  give terse usage help.

-l  list files in archive. If verbose listings are enabled, it shows
    the filename, compression method, compressed/uncompressed size,
	date/time, and CRC; but by default, it just shows the filename,
	uncompressed size, and date/time.

-p  extract to standard output, rather than to separate files.

-t  test files in archive (more precisely, check file CRCs).

-U  use uppercase filenames; more precisely,
    preserve original case from archive.

-v  give verbose output (when used with `-l').
[archive.arc] - the archive to operate on.

[match1 [etc.]] - optionally  specify  which  archive members
                  to list/extract/test. Those which match any of these
                  filenames/wildcards are processed. Wildcard operators
                  supported are shell-like `*' and `?', but don't forget
                  to quote arguments which use these 
                  (e.g.  `nomarch foo.arc '*.bar'').


nomarch follows the `unzip'-like practice of working on only one archive
per run, with further `filenames' given on the command-line actually
specifying files to extract (or whatever). The easiest way to work on
multiple files with nomarch is simply to run it multiple times using for;
for example (bash):

for i in *.arc; do nomarch $i; done

The above would extract all archives in the current directory.

The CRC used by the format is only 16-bit,
so `-t' is a less-than-perfect test.

One compression method, obsolete even by `.arc' standards :-),
isn't supported yet. This is partly because I've yet to find
a single file which uses it, despite testing an awful lot of files.

Subdirectories in Spark archives are extracted as the `.arc'-format
files they really are, which may not be terribly convenient.

File Version Size Date Dls Readme
nomarch-1.4.i386-aros.lha1.4104kb06 Feb 2149¤ nomarch - extract old .arc and .ark archives
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