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RNOArchive is a graphical archive manager, that can extract, modify and create
archives. Extraction is handled by the XAD system and the program has built-in
support for writing ZIP archives. Writing to other formats relies on separate
Shell commands, and their availability and compatibility in the used system.
- Reads and extracts all archiving formats supported by the XAD system
- Write/modify support for ZIP and LhA archives
- Batch extraction for multiple archives
- Automatic sub-directory creation for batch extracted archives
- Archive browsing and file viewing
- Filetype editor for configuring file viewers
- Intelligent drag & drop support
- Recursive adding of files/directories
- Create new directories inside archives
- Delete files and directories
- Handles UTF-8 filenames in archives
- Extensive file selection options
Just copy the whole directory anywhere you want.
- Dragging & dropping an archive file onto the Single Archive tab opens it as
a new archive.
- Dragging & dropping several files onto the Single Archive tab writes the
files immediately into the archive. It doesn't matter if files are archive
files. Directories can be added in this way too.
- Single or multiple files can be dropped onto the Batch Extract tab, as only
readable archive files are added to the list.
- If nothing is selected in the Single or Batch lists and the Extract button
is clicked, all files will be extracted.
- Double-clicked files are viewed according to the program's filetype settings
in the Single Archive tab. Double-clicking in the Batch Extract tab extracts
the archive.
- The "Create new dir(s)" option in the Batch Extract tab extracts the
archives into new sub-directories. For example, contents of "test.lha" would
be extracted into a new "test.lha_ext/" directory.
Program settings can be found in the program's pull-down menu and they will be
saved to the ENVARC:Hollywood/com.wmhost.jpv.rnoarchive file.
RNOArchive uses non-standard command line arguments. Arguments must be given
in the form of (note the "-" prefix): -argument parameter
RNOArchive [file] [arguments]
-single . . . . - Opens the file as a single archive (default).
-batch . . . . - Adds the file to the batch extract list.
-batchlist . . - Adds files from a text file to the batch extract list.
-new . . . . . - Opens file(s) in a new instance of the program.
-forcearos . . - Assumes that the "unix version" of the LhA command is
available and disables error checking with LhA operations.
This is only useful on AROS. Use only at your own risk!
-dest <dir> . . - Sets the default destination directory
-source <dir> . - Sets the default source directory
RNOArchive ram:test.lha -batch -new -dest=Work:
RNOArchive batchlist.txt -batchlist
The same arguments can be used as icon tooltypes, by omitting the "-" prefix.
Program's ARexx port is RNOARCHIVE.n (where n is 1, 2, 3, etc.) and supported
commands are:
SINGLE . . . . . - Opens the file as a single archive (default)
BATCH . . . . . - Adds the file to the batch extract list
BATCHLIST . . . - Adds files from a text file to the batch extract list
Version 1.1:
- Fixed an issue with directory extraction, which could lead to extraction of
unselected files
- The progress bar is updated when unarchiving single dirs or full archives
- Added a work-around for adding whole directories without selecting anything
- Fixed an ARexx port issue
- Other minor fixes
- Please visit for screenshots, support, donations,
and other software.
- This program is made with Hollywood:
- Salvatore Abbate for his idea and support
- Neil Pearson for testing and proof-reading
- Densho/RNO for the logo
This software is made available to you as Freeware and you may use this
software in whatever way you wish, but the author accepts no liability for
any damage caused to your system, other connected peripherals, or data files
in any way by using this software.
Please consider the time and effort I put in to create this utility for your
use and enjoyment. If you feel it is useful to you, please consider sending a
donation that represents the benefit you gain from using it to me at the
address found in this ReadMe.txt file (Uploader) or click the Donate button at