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 Readme for:  Utility » Docky » boingiconbar1.0.i386-aros.lha


Description: BoingIconBar 1.0 - AROS i386 port
Download: boingiconbar1.0.i386-aros.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 57kb
Version: 1.0
Date: 12 Oct 11
Author: Robert 'Phibrizzo' Krajcarz
Submitter: LuKeJerry
Email: lukejerry/gmail com
Requirements: AROS i386
Category: utility/docky
License: Other
Distribute: no
FileID: 1028
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 313  (Current version)
313  (Accumulated)
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                    Boing Icons Bar

                       Version 1.0

        This program is distributed as Freeware

- What is it ?

    This program creates a toolbar with icons similar to AmiDock,
    to which it can be an alternative.
    It requires:

    AmigaOS 3.5+
    AmigaOS 4.x
    MorphOS 2.x
    AROS i386 (tested on Icaros 1.3.0)

    There is a separate version of a program for each system.

    The AmigaOS 3.5+/4.0 and Morphos version can be downloaded from this link:

- Installation

   Installation of this program is very easy and it can be done manually:

   1. Copy the settings of the program to catalogues ENVARC:  and ENV:

   2. Copy the file, suitable for your operating system, to WBStartup or
       to any other place that you like and then run it from user - startup.

   3. Copy the BiBPrefs file to Sys:Prefs

   In the "bibgfx" folder you can place three gfx files, which can be
   used as a background (option):

    left   - left edge of the background
    middle - middle
    right  - right edge of the background

   You can only use file "middle", the rest is not required.

- How to operate and configure

   After running without any parameters the program always runs hidden.
   In order for it to be visible you have to go down with your mouse pointer
   near the middle part of the screen and wait about one second.

   After that time the toolbar with icons should appear on your screen.
   The change of the levels can be done using:

   a) scroll in your mouse
   b) after pressing the right mouse button and choosing the option form the
   c) with keys; F2 - next level, F3 - previous level

   There are additional keyboard shortcuts:

   LShift + ESC - exit program
   F1 - executing REMAP function on icons to the actual colour palette
    ( check AUTOREMAP parameter )

   Available options & parameters:

   SPACE/N/K - an interval between the icons measured in pixels,
    default option is set to 5 pixels

   STATIC/N/K - if we want our toolbar to be visible after having been run, you
have to
    specify this parameter with a number bigger than 0. This number informs us
    about the time in seconds after which the window will be displayed on the
    screen e.g. during the start up of the operating system.

   AUTOREMAP/S - this parameter is unavailable for MorphOS users. It can happen
    that the icons might be displayed inappropriately, e.g. after choosing
    an option from the menu of Workbench "Tools -> ResetWB". Using this
    parameter causes automatic remapping of icons to the actual colour palette,
    before displaying the toolbar.

   Additionally, there is a one more parameter for MorphOS users:

   SIZE/N/K - Icon scaling. Icons will be displayed in their standard size
without this
    parameter. Stating the number bigger than 0, causes icon scaling every 16
pixels e.g.
    1 - icons will have a size of 16 pixels
    2 - 32 pixels
    3 - 48 pixels

- History

   1.0 - first public release

- Author 

   The author of this program is:
    Robert 'Phibrizzo' Krajcarz - jgn()

   Preferences program has been written by:

    Adam 'Adater' Terlecki
    Pawel 'Stefkos' Stefanski

   English Translation has been done by:

    Lukasz 'Sir_Lucas' Kucharuk

   AROS version has been ported by:
    LuKeJerry (lukejerry[at]

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