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 Readme for:  Utility » Misc » ziprecover.lha


Description: ZipRecover
Download: ziprecover.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 147kb
Version: 1
Date: 14 Jul 10
Author: serk118
Submitter: serk18
Email: serk118/gmail com
Requirements: Aros x86
Category: utility/misc
License: Other
Distribute: yes
FileID: 786
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 164  (Current version)
164  (Accumulated)
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ArosZipRecoVer v1
Well this is my very first port of my ZipRecover from 68k amiga to aros and it

sorry for the short guide but its simple tool as you use and learn or search 68k
version for
bigger guide.

what does ziprecover do?
Recovers .zip archived files by using a Wordlist file or create your own
wordlist than 
this tool will try all the listed passwords and if found than it will un urchive
that file
to (ZiprecoVer:SavedFiles/) with the name 
will also save another file in (ZipRecoVer:recovered/) as possible_wrds so you
can use dopus
and see the password yourself.

cracker and extractor same time.
i made a 100% .zip cracker tool and it does crack any .zip file with little time
& now i turn
that tool to soft zip recover app so we dont use & abuse others zip files. 

button =UseFunZip = set to [yes] if you  want to unarchive if password found
set to [no] if you just want to save them in ZipRecoVer:Recovered/possible_Wrds.

button =load .zip Archive = loads/list the zip files in ziprecover:zipfiles/

button =load wordlist file = loads/list the words files in ziprecover:wrdfiles/

copy ziprecover folder to where ever you like as long as you point at

step 1=copy ZipRecover/ folder to your harddisk
example: Work:ZipRecover/

step 2= assign must be done
example: Assign ZipRecover: Work:ZipRecover/


If Exists Work:myTools/ZipRecover
Assign ZipRecover: Work:myTools/ZipRecover

changes made
I had to port some parts of unzip.c to aros and not use funzip.c since there was
problems with crc matching....

68k version of zip-opener.c port also done nicely..

-workbench display has been disabled so just own screen display for now..(lack
of time)
-Stop button disabled(may work on that soon & again lack of time)
-bla bla..

Sorry for the very basic user interface but soon i will start using zune/mui.

if found any than please email them to serk18()

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