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Part of Aros World Exec
 Readme for:  Utility » Shell »


Description: Execute a command after/on a given time
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Size: 5kb
Version: 2.1
Date: 17 Apr 08
Author: SigbjÞrn SkjÊret, AROS port Matthias Rustler
Submitter: Matthias Rustler
Email: mrustler/gmx de
Category: utility/shell
License: Public domain
Distribute: yes
FileID: 341
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 164  (Current version)
164  (Accumulated)
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AROS source code for CISC's con-like tool.

Original README:
Very powerful poor-man's cron-tab that is
100% Pure so it can be made resident.

(This has actually been laying on my disk for quite a
while in the need for better docs, I just made a quick
cleanup so you get the general idea, and hopefully you
will figure out the rest by yourself. ;) )


$ waitx TIME=12:34:12 echo "this is an example"
  Waits until 12:34:12 is reached and will execute echo

$ waitx H=5 M=36 echo "this is an example"
  Will wait 5 hours and 36 minutes and execute echo

$ waitx HOURS=2 MINS=12 SECS=59
  Will wait 2 hours, 12 minutes and 59 seconds and then
  returns to the prompt

$ waitx DY=1 L=5 echo "this is an example"
  Will wait 1 day and execute echo,
  then repeat this a total of 5 times

$ waitx M=15 ALWAYS echo "this is an example"
  Will execute echo every 15 minutes

$ waitx D=12/9 T=16 L=0 echo "this is an example"
  Will wait until September 12th 16:00 and execute echo,
  and repeat forever

$ waitx echo "this is an example"
  Will execute echo immediatly


File Version Size Date Dls Readme
waitx.i386-aros.zip2.14kb17 Apr 08193¤ Waitx - Execute a command after/on a given time
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