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 Readme for:  Utility » Text » arospdf.i386-aros.tar.gz


Description: AROSPDF
Download: arospdf.i386-aros.tar.gz       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 5Mb
Version: 0.2.32
Date: 01 Jun 10
Author: Craig Kiesau
Submitter: Craig Kiesau
Email: ckiesau/aros org
Category: utility/text
Replaces: utility/text/arospdf.i386-aros.tar.gz
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
FileID: 766
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 227  (Current version)
301  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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version 0.2.32

Based on xpdf version 3.02 copyright 1996-2007 Glyph & Cog, LLC.

Please see file named README for more information on xpdf. xpdf is here:

The default fonts are provided by the Ghostscript package, I have included them
in this archive for convenience.  Ghostscript is here:

The AROS specific bits are Copyright 2009 Craig Kiesau (ckiesau()  xpdf
is sorta GPL (read the README) and AROSPDF is therefore also GPL.

The PDF data structures, operators, and specification are Copyright 1985-2006
Adobe Systems Inc.

Thanks to Paolo for icAROS and also helping me test this early release.

Thanks to GGI Project people ( who made a port of an
older version of xpdf which cleared up some of the problems I was having
figuring out how the whole thing worked.

AROSPDF uses a quick and dirty T1Lib port for Type1 font support
( If anyone wants the simple hack I made to get it to work
with AROSPDF I'm happy to provide it (it's not a proper port.)


AROSPDF is a quick but hopefully not too dirty port of the xpdf/xpdf-splash
backend to AROS using a custom Zune frontend.

It's in need of more features and a couple bugfixes, but it's currently in a
state that people can use it to view and navigate through PDFs in a pretty
decent fashion.  I wanted to release it early so more people can test it, plus I
think it'll go well in VmwAROS.

How to use

Simply run the app from the icon or from the Shell.  From the Shell you can pass
a file name to open.  There are command line flags which don't seem to do
anything right now.

It needs the included fonts folder in the program's directory, although you
could put the fonts into Fonts: which should also work.  It also needs the
resources folder for the few image buttons it has so far.


Fixed a bug with the location of the file not being switched to (was due to some
remarked out code not being put back in.)

Fixed some filesystem bugs including temp data going to RAM: instead of T:

Should no longer check for xpdfrc files.

More than likely some nice bugs since I don't have a lot of time for testing. 
Let me know.


Prettier GUI
Continuous mode (vertical scrollbar works for the whole document, not just per
Better zooming
Find text
Copy/Paste (maybe...)
Fullscreen mode (Thanks Paolo)
Preferences/save window state
More I can't remember
Whatever you might think of that I think is reasonable


There should be a copy of this on Aros Archives.

Other stuff

If anyone wants to provide nice icons for the buttons and the app, please do so.
 Any critique on menu format and placing with respect to style guidelines is
happily accepted.

If you find any bugs please provide step by step instructions on how to make
them happen, plus the document they happen with if applicable.

File Version Size Date Dls Readme
arospdf-source.tar.gz0.2.212Mb09 Apr 10120¤ Arospdf-source - AROSPDF source
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