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 Readme for:  Video » Play » vamp.lha


Description: Virtual Amiga Multimedia Player
Download: vamp.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 2Mb
Version: 3.20
Date: 20 Feb 25
Author: Templario & Samo79
Submitter: Juan Carlos Herran Martin
Requirements: Aros x86 AbiV0, Hollywood plugins, datatypes, mpega.library, codesets.library and reqtools.library
Category: video/play
Replaces: video/play/vamp.lha
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
FileID: 3018
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 1
Videos: 0
Downloads: 19  (Current version)
204  (Accumulated)
Votes: 8 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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 This multimedia player is programmed with  Hollywood 10.0 and it is
with part of source code from  Andreas Falkenhahn  examples to Video
Player and AnimPlayer.

 Also this a little  tool to test  the video  formats  supported for

 V.A.M.P. display the next multimedia formats currently:
    * Amiga Anim formats: anim, anim5, ham6, ham8, yafa.
    * MovieSetter movies format.
    * Web animation formats: gif, apng.
    * Show pictures: jpg, png, gif, lbm,  bmp, svg,  jp2(jpeg 2000),
                     tiff, pcx, webp (with Datatypes).
    * Video formats: cdxl, ogg, avi, mpeg, mpg, wmv, flv,  mp4, mov,
		     3gp, m4v.
    * Music&Sound files: mp3, mod, med, 8svx,  16sv, iff, aiff, wav,
                     ac3, wave, riff, ogg, flac, m4a, wma, dbm, hvl,
                     aiff, s3m, xm, sid.

 Available in the next languages:
 Spanish. English. Italian. French. Finnish. Swedish. Polish. Greek.

 Improvements in this version:
  - Little improvements and new logos.
  - Fixed some problems with the special video sizes to play the vi-
    deos downloaded from: Facebook Reels, Tik Tok, CapCut, Instagram
    Reels, Kwai and Whatsapp videos.
    NOTE: The video  sizes  recommended  are  360xNNN pixels,  sizes
          greater  than Width of 360  will be play slow depending on
          CPU speed.

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